Dave Chappelle Blasts Woke Teens over Trans Jokes: ‘The More You Say I Can’t Say Something, the More Urgent It Is for Me to Say It’ – IOTW Report

Dave Chappelle Blasts Woke Teens over Trans Jokes: ‘The More You Say I Can’t Say Something, the More Urgent It Is for Me to Say It’


Comedian Dave Chappelle is refusing to submit to the woke high school students who decried his last comedy special The Closer as transphobic and anti-LGBTQ, saying the more they try to silence him, the more determined he will be to speak out.

In a new Netflix special, Dave Chappelle gives a speech at the Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington, D.C., where students protested the naming of a new theater after the comedian, who once attended the school.

“The more you say I can’t say something, the more urgent it is for me to say it,” Chappelle reportedly says in What’s in a Name?, released Thursday on Netflix.

“It has nothing to do with what you’re saying I can’t say. It has everything to do with my right and my freedom of artistic expression. It’s worth protecting for me, and it’s worth protecting for everyone else who endeavors in our noble professions.” more here

20 Comments on Dave Chappelle Blasts Woke Teens over Trans Jokes: ‘The More You Say I Can’t Say Something, the More Urgent It Is for Me to Say It’

  1. problem w/ Chappelle is that he’s defending ‘artistic expression’ … correct me if I’m wrong, but I have never read any words in The Constitution about ‘artistic expression’ in his ‘noble profession’ … not once
    dear Mr. Chappelle, I do not count myself as a member of your ‘noble profession’, but I do claim a Constitutional right to speak my mind as I see fit, without fear of harm to myself or family, whether I’m in a ‘noble profession’ or not.

    as you do, in your ‘noble profession’, I expect the force of my supposed representative government to meld out justice to those that trespass against me & deny me that very same right

    Mr. Chappelle please don’t establish yourself upon a lofty pedestal w/out remembering there are those that are already upon it, that secured it, a long time before you found it.

    … we all have that right

  2. Quite so. I’m no aristocrat and neither is he. He arrogates himself to nobility, which is absurd. Nobility in and of itself is absurd.

    I don’t think he knows what the word means.

  3. Wow.

    ” He arrogates himself to nobility, ”

    I’m a huge Chappelle fan. From way back. Please give me an example of his arrogance. Because Ive never seen it. The guy walked out on a bazillion dollar contract, I beleive with FOX, because they tried to control his content. Do you consider that arrogant, or a man sticking to his principles. Weird.

  4. I have to arrogate my yard so air gets down to the roots. My once pristine sod is now on life support. Not being racist or anything, but I’ve never seen a comedian arrogate any lawns before.

    Not even the noble colored ones.

  5. I consider Chappelle to be a hero for telling the woke mob to stick it. He is taking big risks and could pay a big price.

    No question he is on our side. Why nitpick over the minor stuff? We need allies in the entertainment business.

  6. I always put LGB stickers on the gas pump when I fill up. I’ve recently started giving out the stickers to other people who are filling up. They all appreciate it.

  7. I applaud anyone who stands up to the simpering mob.
    I don’t know Chappelle or his work, but good on him for not backing down.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I watched the beginning of Ricky Gervais’ new Netflix special. He was being pretty blunt about trans and the woke mobs. I don’t understand why the mob isn’t going after Gervais. Is there some racism involved or do they realize that he doesn’t give a crap and it wouldn’t be fruitful?

  9. Instead of going after Dave why not talk about how these children got brainwashed into thinking the way they do. America has a problem with the education system of wokeness. Several comedians are taking a stand against the abuse of the 1st amendment being push by the left agenda.

  10. Joey, it’s not Mars, you’re really talking about the planet Barsoom. Go ask John Carter, he’ll tell you that it’s Barsoom. Did you ever read Edgar Rice Burroughs as a kid somehow, I doubt it? And don’t go smelling Dejah Thoris’ luxurious Barsoomian hair because you might really piss off John Carter and he’ll kick your ass clear all the way to the next planet of Saturn. Or he’ll take out his Marvin the Martian disintegrating ray gun and disintegrate you. Are you immune to listening to Slim Whitman’s music or does it make your head explode into a mess of green glop. And Jack Nicholson in Mars Attacks made a better President than you are.

  11. I’ll give Chappelle the use of “noble profession” as he is trying to flatter the woke mob into seeing things differently. He’s in an “arts school” (whatever that is), so, in this case in the belly of the beast, so a direct appeal to the First Amendment would be lost on the audience. That mob, clamors for “freedom of expression” in one breath, and rages that anyone else should do so in the next.

  12. I like Chappelle, because I like to laugh. Chappelle makes me laugh. I think he can get through to some young people just like Joe Rogan does. Chappelle bought up thousands of acres in his town because he didn’t want the ghetto coming to his town – low income housing. At least Chappelle gets it when it comes to protecting his community. What black person do you know who has done that for his community? Chappelle is a hero in his community, imagine that, a black guy looking out for his community. Heh, at least he ain’t no Jackson or Sharpton – quite the opposite. So far, they haven’t shut up Rogan or Chapelle, but they’re trying.

  13. “Jussie Smollett claimed that two white guys in MAGA hats came up to him and said, ‘You’re that nigger faggot from Empire!’. C’mon… Ain’t no white Trump supporter gonna say something like that… like they even know that show. That’s sounds a lot more like something… that… *I* would say.”

    – Dave Chappelle, Netflix special

  14. Chappelle thinks he’s a “once in a lifetime talent”; I do not. Nonetheless, I’m fine with his defense of free speech and anti-cancel stance. He just takes himself way too seriously.

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