Dave Chappelle tells us a story about French Actor Jusee Smoulliet – IOTW Report

Dave Chappelle tells us a story about French Actor Jusee Smoulliet

Dave Chappelle on the Jussie Smollett Incident.

*spicy language.

15 Comments on Dave Chappelle tells us a story about French Actor Jusee Smoulliet

  1. The Good GENERAL Svejk SEPTEMBER 7, 2019 AT 5:01 PM

    Thank you for the link I’ve understood for some time why the “POOP” said there’s no hell, because if there is there will be a special place for him there.

  2. The left should be so proud of him – he is an inclusive insulter. No class, race, sex, who, or what is protected .
    Lenny Bruce, Redd Foxx, George Carlin — we have a new name to add!

  3. Chappelle is no dummy. He knows snowflakes he’s been catering to don’t have the intelligence, or income to keep him relevant. He has to do jokes that relate to a broader audience base, Boomers and Gen Xers, even Z Gens. Player gotta get paid. Besides, agood comic never has to say thier sorry.


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