It doesn’t really matter who the chairman of the Democratic National Committee is, because it’s the Democratic National Committee. They’re pretty much screwed no matter what. With that in mind, why not pick someone who can bring everybody together?
Go Keith Ellison!!!
…and take your liberalism, BLM and Muslim Brotherhood crap out of the state of Minnesota. You deserve to work with Chucky Cheesey Schumer, Lieawatha, and dingbats like Pelosi and Waters. See how that works out for you.
Yeah, whatever Keith Allahson knows has the words “Zionist Entity” prominently featured.. But thanks for being a good Bad Penny this time around, DD.
It’d be a hoot if Trump tweeted for those KKK-backed Dems to disavow DD.
I can’t wait to see which Dem Pepe endorses.
I also endorse….
The moslem keith ellison for DNC Chairmoslem.
Wow Keith! It doesn’t get any better than Keith!
How many times has he been asked to renounce the endorsement?!!
Duke hopes that Ellison will take the Dens back to their roots
The lack of media outrage and media coverage from this shitbird’s endorsement is telling of where the true progressive sympathies lie.
Yep, still waiting for the media charges of racist ties to the KKK for Ellison. I mean, it’s David Duke, god dammit.
Still waiting.
Still waiting.
Does Ellison actually attend the klan rallies, or does he just phone it in?
Kudos to David Duke for playing his cards right…
*tee hee hee*
Can’t wait to see him introduce “Sharia Law for DNC”
The corpse is flailing.
Remember how the Dems’ convention seemingly voice voted to remove “God” from their platform?
How would they vote with Ellison in charge? Would they vote on this again?
Should they also vote on “Allah”?
Both hate Jews.
If Keith Ellison gets the DNC Chair, at least we won’t have to listen to the left-wing women talk any more.
Because they won’t be allowed to.
Does this mean the KKK has a sense of humor?
“Ellison getting the chair” has a nice ring to it, especially if the chair is Ol’ Sparky…
Ellison is an Ass, dem’s deserve him. Here’s what you’ll give up Girls.
Selfies with your Head /Face visible, really no skin at all.
Full sexual gratification
Being out with men who are not family
Swimsuits-or anything that may Exite their childlike Men.
working in a higher position than any Male- This Intimidates them.