David Hogg Embarrasses Himself (again) – IOTW Report

David Hogg Embarrasses Himself (again)

Ben Shapiro wasted no time destroying freshly minted DNC Vice Chair David Hogg, who is bizarrely weighing in on the “Big Balls” news cycle.

Elon Musk has forced the leftist media to hyperventilate about nearly everything, but seeing a troll internet username like “Big Balls” enter the political conversation was not something anyone could have ever predicted. Nonetheless, the Democrats are freaking out because the young man with the lewd nickname has gone been given a senior advisor position at the State Department. more

29 Comments on David Hogg Embarrasses Himself (again)

  1. Little Davy wouldn’t know a ball even if one shinnied up his skinny leg and bit him on the vulva.

    He really needs to find a job more in keeping with his personality and abilities. “Hi. My name is David and I’ll be your server this afternoon. Would you like to hear our Specials? The Early Bird meatloaf platter is quite nice today.”

  2. Dems are like a Boxer who throws a right jab while failing to cover his left side with his glove. So he gets knocked down

    Then he gets up and does the same stupid thing … again and again. In a sane world be would never be allowed to fight again

  3. The Democrat’s cockamamie reasoning was that this featherduster would attract younger guys to the Democrat Party. The problem with that is anyone who identifies with this creepy cuck is already 100% there already.

  4. Personally I don’t think this little popcorn fart is worth spending any effort or time on. I’ve had two occasions in the last couple days to interact with the new version of the American male. I’m not to impressed.

  5. Americas version of Greta Thunberg!
    This kid was watching the coverage from his home and grabbed his pussy and got on his bike to jump in front of every camera. He was never there for the shooting.
    Have a MAGA DOGE DAY


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