David Hogg Takes Photo With GOP Candidate Wearing A T-Shirt Featuring Trump Whizzing On CNN – IOTW Report

David Hogg Takes Photo With GOP Candidate Wearing A T-Shirt Featuring Trump Whizzing On CNN


David Hogg posed for a photograph Saturday with two Florida GOP operators — and one of them was wearing a pro-Trump t-shirt that was quite derogatory toward CNN.

Andrew Pollack, who lost his daughter, Meadow Pollack, in the Parkland shooting, held a memorial ride and barbecue Saturday.

Pollack has been a one-man wrecking crew since the tragic event, advocating for school safety and getting bills past. He is also advocating for the memory of his daughter.

On Saturday in Florida, Pollack hosted a bike ride from a local Harley Davidson dealer to his home to raise funds for a park to be built in his late daughter’s honor.

The star-studded event featured a bipartisan group of politicians and celebrities, who showed up to support the legacy of Meadow Pollack.

One person in attendance was David Hogg.

Hogg has become the de-facto face of the gun control movement since the shooting. The current senior at Stoneman Douglas High School is a regular on cable news, advocating against the NRA and politicians who receive donations from the group.

When two GOP operators saw Hogg at the event, they approached him and began a discussion.

Javier Manjarres, a potential Republican challenger to Congressman Ted Deutch, and Derek Schwartz, a current GOP candidate against Lois Frankel, told The Daily Caller that they had a “polite” and “respectable” conversation with Hogg.

Javier Manjarres – Facebook

Schwartz was wearing a shirt that featured a cartoon of President Trump urinating on a CNN logo. Manjarres told TheDC that Hogg pointed at the shirt and said “nice shirt,” before agreeing to take a photo with the two.   MORE HERE

16 Comments on David Hogg Takes Photo With GOP Candidate Wearing A T-Shirt Featuring Trump Whizzing On CNN

  1. They are better men than I. They would have found Hogg in the dumpster unconscious if that were my event. I’m shocked hogg wild had the balls to show up there.

  2. I don’t think that kid is kosher. I’m 6′ 6″ 250 he looks 5’5 on a good day and maybe 90 pounds.
    He needs to get to a gym and work out. Before someone kicks sand in his face.

  3. I watched Andrew Pollack talking about his daughter in a posted interview video. What bothered me was that while he was relating how his daughter had been mercilessly shot, he had no emotional inflections in his voice or his mental attitude. Just not normal for a loving dad so soon after the traumatic loss of a daughter.
    As for David Hogg, any media attention he can get, he freely gets, hand in glove MSM cooperation. Also Hogg is like a ventriloquist’s puppet. He is not an independent thinker, but a programmed propaganda “voice.” It is useless to think he can or will respond to reason, he can’t. His handlers have him under their power. The only way to undercut them and him is to use his/their own method of communication — vulgarity and filth. What can really get to corrupt, ego-centered self-lovers is being publicly ridiculed with depictions of themselves in very degrading sarcastic ways. Recall, that Obama’s officials actually went after clowns and comedians who ridiculed Pres. Obama. No First Amendment right at all for anyone who embarrassed narcissistic Obama. For an example, there is a site on the Net, Lame Cherry. When she spots vileness in people, she rants back at them in derogatory satire to rub their egos in muck.

  4. I don’t know if it’s a camera angle thing, but I’ve seen fatter legs in pictures of starving refugees than what Hogg is standing on. That ain’t normal.

  5. Has anyone checked to make sure they haven’t cloned Hogg? This shrimp gets around more than $20 hooker.

    That he’s emboldened enough to show his face at Pollock’s event speaks to his humongous ego. That he was treated respectfully flies over his head. That a pro 2A would be treated horribly if they entered his space is lost on him.

  6. Not a good picture, IMO. Sure, the shirt is cute, but somehow, these two Republicans managed to look more childish than Hogg and shorter than Hogg. And Hogg is almost cracking a smile, something nobody has seen before. Stop sucking up to him and feeding his celebrity.


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