David Hogg taking ‘gap year’ from college to work on midterm elections, push gun control – IOTW Report

David Hogg taking ‘gap year’ from college to work on midterm elections, push gun control

I hope he tours with Pelosi and Maxine.

WaTimes: David Hogg won’t be going to college in the fall after all.

His mother told CNN in an interview that he will instead take a “gap year” to work as a political activist in the midterm elections.

“He will not be going to college this year because he’s decided to take a year off and work on the midterm elections,” Rebecca Boldrick told CNN on Monday.

Ms. Boldrick said her son had been accepted at the University of California, Irvine, but decided to help register new voters and push gun-control causes.  more here



35 Comments on David Hogg taking ‘gap year’ from college to work on midterm elections, push gun control

  1. “Hogg Heaven.” Even if he eventually goes to “college,” I’m willing to wager he doesn’t major in a STEM field. He’d probably do well in ‘gender studies.’

  2. Texas is safe for the little snakehead for the next several months, Sweetwater held their annual roundup in March. But it may not be the best place to run your mouth about gun control.

  3. Sounds like your common as dirt got my face on tv opportunist. No doubt his true cause is his own future.
    Look out sonny boy, CA is full of illegals who no comprendo your gun control drivel. Good thing none of them are criminals, because bat shit crazy Pelodi said so.

  4. UCI out of state tuition is $59,612 per year. So, a quarter mil to push this shitstain even further to the left with his lackluster grades?

    How do gubmint employees afford this?

  5. He’ll learn more in his “gap” year than in 4 years at UC-Irvine.
    Pretty sure that “celebrity” will go to his head and he’ll succumb to alcohol, drugs, and whores – catching some STDs and destined for re-hab – which will put him good standing for running for public office as a Demonrat.

    Good luck!

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I say go for it, kid. Far be it from me to interrupt my opponent when he’s making a mistake. You’ll be 18 and fair game: no more of that “he’s just a kid” argument to hide behind.

    My prediction is that after a few weeks of Hoggapaloosa, he will prove to be a bigger liability to his own cause than anyone on his side imagined.


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