David Limbaugh: Most Trump supporters can’t wait to vote for him – IOTW Report

David Limbaugh: Most Trump supporters can’t wait to vote for him

Commentators came out of the woodwork to ridicule President Donald Trump for allegedly turning his July 14 press conference into a campaign rally (and for being unpresidential). So what if he did?

They objected that he veered into other topics when he was supposed to be talking about China and Hong Kong. Horrors!

The press corps, of all people, has no standing to complain about topic drift at presidential press conferences when it routinely uses such events to ask questions unrelated to the announced topic.

Presidents always frame their policy positions in the most favorable political light, especially this close to an election. Don’t even think about saying Trump is unique on this. Of course Trump is going to argue that his actions warrant his reelection, and it’s absurd to claim that’s unusually political, as if it’s possible to separate policy from politics.

But the liberal media’s hypocrisy is hardly noteworthy anymore. We’d be fools to expect fairness from them. more

9 Comments on David Limbaugh: Most Trump supporters can’t wait to vote for him

  1. We love listening to a president who doesn’t use the word “I” 36000 times in every paragraph he utters like a certain jug eared moron we endured for eight years.

  2. Just the fact alone that he drives the left absolutely insane with rage is reason enough to want another four years. It’s absolutely delicious watching them suffer.


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