David Limbaugh takes on Bill Kristol – IOTW Report

David Limbaugh takes on Bill Kristol

Allen West Republic:

You need not worry that conservatism’s demise will be happening anytime soon. these are the comforting words of Davis Limbaugh, and reflect his positive attitude about the conservative movement. Mr. Limbaugh takes on Bill Kristol that conservatism is dead and Donald Trump is the killer. Why is this not true? There are a whole bunch of reasons.

As Written and Reported By David Limbaugh for the Daily Wire:

I happened onto a piece by Bill Kristol in The Weekly Standard, wherein he links to “a short, powerful piece in National Review” by Rick Brookhiser, who “concludes that ‘the conservative movement is no more. Its destroyers are Donald Trump and his admirers.’”

I somewhat get the sentiment — or at least I used to — because during the GOP primaries, I fleetingly entertained a similar concern that Trump, whom I didn’t consider a conservative, might undermine the conservative movement in the long run if elected.  MORE

7 Comments on David Limbaugh takes on Bill Kristol

  1. Bill has always been, and remains, a tool of the Rove/Bush syndicate. So it SHOULD GO WITHOUT SAYING, he is a progressive leftist.
    Which is why the LMS gives him so much time. The Press knows full well that Bush/Rove syndicate hates Ronnie so the Press touts them.

  2. What, exactly, IS a “conservatism” for Kristol? Romney who birthed Obamacare? McCain, Graham, Flake and Collins who want open borders? Bush who led us into wars, took away our 4th Amendment with the Patriot Act and gave away our intellectual property and manufacturing expertise?

    I’d really like to know.

  3. I am shocked at the staggering ego of these so-called “true conservatives” who actually believe their ridiculous, high-minded bullshit. Seemingly so enthralled in their own narcissism, they are recklessly and completely unaware of the disaster they themselves where perpetuating. My God! Their arrogance is utterly beyond belief, no wonder the uni-party has usurped all of modern politics.

    “Useful men, who do useful things, don’t mind being treated as useless. But the useless always judge themselves as being important and hide all their incompetence behind authority.” ~ Paulo Coelho

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