David McCormick Concedes to Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania Senate Primary – IOTW Report

David McCormick Concedes to Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania Senate Primary


GOP U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz responded on Twitter to winning the Republican primary and McCormick’s concession.

11 Comments on David McCormick Concedes to Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania Senate Primary

  1. We have a runoff down here in Georgia, between a Trump candidate and another RINO McCormick, in my district. Here’s hoping the result is the same on June 12th.

  2. this whole election has been a fiasco from the get-go

    we now have a very questionable, celebrity repub, that will probably end up being a grifting recuckican … who ran against an already established recuckican

    … now going against a clot-shotted stroked-out d’rat that’s not campaigning … who will probably get 81 million votes

  3. And Ohio with JD Vance. Wonderful. Things are shaping up 🙄

    Seriously, I voted for Rob Portman as the lesser evil, Mike Dewine, as the lesser evil, McCain and Romney, as the lesser evil ad nauseum. Is it time to say fuck it and not vote. Senator Portman has been entirely evil and JD Vance is going to be the same. But not voting seems crazy! Help!

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