David Petraeus, The Royal Navy, and Colin Kaeperwhatever… – IOTW Report

David Petraeus, The Royal Navy, and Colin Kaeperwhatever…

David Petraeus: Eliminating Qasem Soleimani More Significant than Killing Bin Laden or Al-Baghdadi

That has to sting 0bama’s butt just a little. Hopefully a lot.

Former General David Petraeus described President Donald Trump’s decision to eliminate Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad as the most significant action against terrorism in the Middle East.

“It is impossible to overstate the importance of this particular action. It is more significant than the killing of Osama bin Laden or even the death of [Islamic State leader Abu Bakr] al-Baghdadi,” he said in an interview with Foreign Policy magazine.

Petraeus said President Trump had effectively reestablished the idea any Iranian attack against American targets would be met with considerable force.


Britain Backs Trump on Iran, Deploys Royal Navy to Persian Gulf.

The United Kingdom defended the actions of the Trump administration in Iran, saying the United States is “entitled to defend itself” against Iranian aggression and deploying the Royal Navy to the Persian Gulf to protect shipping vessels flying the British flag.

And some of this:

Anyone in the islamic Middle East need a football player?
He may be useful for other things, too… He enjoys kneeling.
A lot.

The Internet Erupts After Kaepernick Accuses America of ‘Terrorist Attacks’ Against ‘Non Whites’

Former NFL second-string quarterback and national anthem protester Colin Kaepernick’s anti-American tweets upon the death of Iranian terror General Qasem Soleimani have stirred a massive backlash on Twitter.

Soleimani, who was commander of Iran’s Quds Force, was eliminated in a U.S. strike on Thursday. Established after the Iranian revolution in the late 1970s, the Quds Force is Iran’s chief exporter of terrorism across the Middle East and the world and is responsible for the deaths of millions of people going back decades.

Also, taken out in the U.S. strike was Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, a prominent Iraqi militant aligned with Iran, also a major terrorist.

15 Comments on David Petraeus, The Royal Navy, and Colin Kaeperwhatever…

  1. I also thought when I heard of the take out, that is was as if not MORE significant than OBL, Suleimani had a uniform and a flag, a country.

    A clear enemy and guilt by association in his case…POOF!

    Still not sure we were exactly behind it though?? Ring schming I say. Do we have DNA of this hand??

  2. General Petraeus.

    I thought he was a good man. He lost his job over some dame. Happens all the time.

    I made this joke about him when the “scandal” broke: she was showing him how a “double envelopment” works while he was showing her his “schwerpunkt”, i.e., German for point of an attack.

    These demonstrations were being conducted under his desk at the Pentagon.

  3. (TimBuktu, Obama set up Petraeus.)

    Re Colin Kaepernick… that’s some kinda stupid dude who used to play football? And what he says is reported as if it’s news in the media… why?

  4. Kapernick is a shoe salesman for grossly overpriced products pushed upon lower income black people who are pathetically indoctrinated into self destruction by the democrat party.

    Kapernick is on the same low level as le bron james. Both pathetic, dull tools of the most vile, corrupt people on the earth.

  5. President Donald J. Trump is certainly the Great Disrupter of every worthless effort Osmidgen and ValJar made to hand over the Middle East to the Iranians. General Petraeus is a Great American who got caught with his principles down. It’s great to see him back in the cockpit.

  6. Hey colon kaperdick, why don’t you apply to play football in the Canadian league?That’s where all the hasbeen/wannabe junkie no talent do nothings go to pass thru the light into nothingness, you would fit right in, make sure your braids are tight


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