Day 1 – 3 of The Igor Danchenko Trial – IOTW Report

Day 1 – 3 of The Igor Danchenko Trial


We have the transcripts from day 1 of the Igor Danchenko trial. Pretrial matters and jury selection took up all of yesterday morning; openings and the prosecution’s case-in-chief, led by Special Counsel Durham, started in the afternoon.

Let’s dig in and start with the opening statements.

Special Counsel Prosecutor Michael Keilty opened with explanations of Danchenko’s lies to the FBI and discussed some FBI misconduct:

The Igor Danchenko Trial – Day 2

Our article on the first day of the Igor Danchenko trial cut off during the testimony of FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten and his discussion of the FBI’s interviews of Danchenko, which started in January 2017.

We’ll resume there – with Special Counsel John Durham’s questions about Danchenko’s purported 10 to 15 minute call with Belarusian businessman Sergei Millian. MORE

The Igor Danchenko Trial – Day 3

Revealed – the FBI Paid Danchenko over $200,000.

Day 3 of the Igor Danchenko false statements trial started with the testimony of Democrat activist and Clinton ally Charles Dolan. For background, Dolan has historic ties to the Democrat party, was a state chairman of Bill Clinton’s 1992 and 1996 presidential campaigns, and was an advisor to Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.

And he was also a source for the Steele dossier.

7 Comments on Day 1 – 3 of The Igor Danchenko Trial

  1. It’s amazing how so many of the same bad pennies keep popping up through all this BS designed to take Trump down, and America with him. Fiona Hill was a witness in the sham impeachment trial regarding the Ukraine phone call, and here she is showing up in the initial Russia-gate scheming as well.

    Just more proof that the entire case against Trump has been nothing but pure anti-American, unconstitutional, evil garbage conducted by the same demonic actors in various phases of it, all undertaken to permanently undermine our constitutional govt. in order to protect the permanent grift by the permanent bureaucratic (deep) state.

    Every alphabet agency should be permanently disbanded and half or more of the personnel should never see the outside of a prison again. Most deserve the traditional punishment for treason which is exactly what they are guilty of at a minimum.

  2. “If Danchenko had been truthful, the FBI would have been under an obligation to correct its own misrepresentations to the FISA court.”

    WTF??? Sounds like the prosecution is running cover for the FBI. The FBI knew the dossier was a lie, but they used the info to go to the FISA court so they could spy on the Trump campaign. The FBI was in cahoots with Danchenko and Hillary. They are all co-conspirators.

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