Day 11: – IOTW Report

Day 11:

25 Comments on Day 11:

  1. My Golden (Jessy) was always tolerant of my daughter in-laws cat. He just sat watching it from a distance in her living room every time we went to visit. Then the day, I stopped by to repair her broken dryer I left the Golden upstairs while I worked in the cellar on a broken heater element in the dryer. When I heard a clunk and bunk above my head. To keep this short the cat ended up with a dis-located shoulder, the Golden appeared un-scathed other than a guilty, you looking at me, look that wore off quickly. The cat most likely lost one of the standard nine lives they come equipped with that day and lived to meow about the incident.

  2. I had a Bernese Mountain Dog. One Christmas I decided to bring home a kitten for my wife.

    You kidding me? Liberty thought I brought it home for her.

    Those two were thick as thieves best buddies. Milo and Otis. They would go on patrol together around the property. That pic reminds me of them, both of whom are sorely missed.

  3. We had a male cat that made himself the guardian of a puppy who had been abandoned by it’s mother.
    He would curl up around the puppy to keep it warm and every two hours, like clockwork, that cat would let us know it was feeding time for the pup.

  4. My male yellow tabby Finn is probably going to hate our guts when we get him a Collie puppy later this Spring to replace our golden retriever Indie who we had to put down a couple of months ago because of old age. He’s going to have to train a new dog to like him or else. It should be interesting. Indie and Finn got along well together, the new puppy will have to learn who the boss is and right now it’s the cat.

  5. I have a 19 lb cat that nose bumps my 60 lb dog like another cat, and then presents his ass to be sniffed. I’m confused, they’re both native Texans. The dogs I had in Kali are on the other side of the bridge at this point, but I’m pretty sure they would have eaten either end of the cat.

  6. My pitbull hides in the basement when my kid takes the parakeet out of the cage. Not because she’s scared of it, but she’s pissed off that, heaven forbid, the attention spotlight isn’t on her 100%. She acts like it’s some form of punishment.

  7. I am getting another male collie like my collie Buddy who was my sons first dog when dog when he was a little guy. I fell in love with collies watching Lassie as a kid back in the late 50’s and early 60’s and want to get another one not just for me but for my granddaughters to enjoy for years to come as well. Besides Kirby and I can both use the exercise taking him for long walks.

  8. a cat came into our house through a blocked open door, uninvited. My down-under dog (australian terrier) went into his “timmie fell down the well” routine. We had no clue until he flushed it out from behind the couch. It was HIS territory dammit.


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