Day Before Congressional Testimony, Sam Bankman-Fried Arrested in the Bahamas Awaiting Extradition Request from U.S. DOJ – IOTW Report

Day Before Congressional Testimony, Sam Bankman-Fried Arrested in the Bahamas Awaiting Extradition Request from U.S. DOJ


The timing is transparent, given all of the political donations organized by FTX Cryptocurrency CEO Sam Bankman-Fried for politicians, mostly Democrats, in office.

On the day before he was scheduled to give testimony to congress, a testimony likely to be entertaining with representatives asking specific questions about political contributions by the known fraud MBS to other specific members of congress, the cryptocurrency executive is arrested in the Bahamas. MORE

16 Comments on Day Before Congressional Testimony, Sam Bankman-Fried Arrested in the Bahamas Awaiting Extradition Request from U.S. DOJ

  1. No co-incidences in politics.
    (of course, the NSA knew about the phone calls and e-mails to the Bahamas, but, somehow, misplaced the file …)

    “The fix is IN!”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. B R E A K I N G

    Only one 30 second TV report so far, but . . . . .

    Guess What?

    You Guessed IT . . . .

    Another Healthy as a Horse Football Coach just died suddenly this AM.

    You can’t make these shots up.

  3. “Prepared to give testimony to congress” sounds like an investigation, how can the FBI or the DOJ interfere in an ongoing investigation??? It has a double standard ring to it.

  4. he’s in the new ‘protective custody’
    and it ain’t for our protection
    next we’ll get the ‘can’t comment’ ruse
    then, he’ll plead the 5th and pelosi will crack open a fifth

  5. RadioMattM December 13, 2022 at 10:24 am

    I hope the camera outside his cell works.

    I hope the camera doesn’t work, just like Epstein’s didn’t work. The guy is going to die before his trial, and if he makes it to trial, so what, the damage is already done. Dims skate again. Just like the jab, I knew FTX bitcoin was a scam. The kid brags about what a hero he is to the Dims. I’ll send him a bar of Life-Buoy soap or Fels-Naptha, that outta do the job from behind. 🙂

  6. Just found out . . .

    Sam Bankman-Fried has released a Public Statement for the Official U.S. Court Record that he was going to read to Aunty Maxine and her monkey / kangaroo court hearing today under oath.

    Bottome Line: Fuck U.S Customers. Sam Bankman-Fried swears to do everything he can to make his foreign holders whole as They are the only ones that matter and the Americans ones are just SOL and go cry a river or just STFU and Die Suddenly already.

    Ha Ha
    Aunty Maxines Frauds They Are

  7. What incredible timing! Chubby lil’ Sammy’s a puker, he’s shown that already so his legal got him locked up so as not to go puking on the record to the congress. I wonder how the deal will work, the politicians gotta stay on the down low about the money. The administration gotta keep that Ukraine spin cycle outta the news so the peasants don’t figure it out. The big boys want their fucking money and screw the little retail morons for certain.

    Hilary’s licking her chops just cuz that feeling when a possible threat turns up dead is so hard to beat. She may not then have a dog in the fight but still, that warm, warm feeling…

    Clearly, it would be best for all involved that Bunkman-Fraud develop a rapid onset depression and take matters into his own hands. Even his rabbit face concubine would be tickled.

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