Days Into Trump Admin, Corrupt Employees Are Already Being Fired At The VA – IOTW Report

Days Into Trump Admin, Corrupt Employees Are Already Being Fired At The VA

DC: Days into Donald Trump’s administration, heads are finally beginning to roll at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Two notoriously corrupt employees in Puerto Rico were fired this week, indicating that more may be on the way.

One is the hospital’s CEO, DeWayne Hamlin, who offered an employee $305,000 to quit after she played a role in exposing his drug arrest.

“Mr. DeWayne Hamlin was removed from federal service effective January 20, 2017”–inauguration day–the VA said.

Under former Secretary of Veterans Affairs Bob McDonald, the agency ignored years of evidence about shoddy work ethic, theft and whistleblower retaliation. The VA finally began a months-long investigative proceeding last year, after an outside agency, the Office of Special Counsel, prodded VA leadership.

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15 Comments on Days Into Trump Admin, Corrupt Employees Are Already Being Fired At The VA

  1. He realizes he has one shot at getting things done and he doesn’t care if he gets reelected. I actually don’t think he wants to be reelected. During the next 2 years the Dems will focus on impeaching him or scandalizing him while he rights the ship and the rats run for cover. As things improve dramatically the population will crave more of the positive change and conservative politicians will be emboldened to not cower in a corner. Liberal heads will explode and no one will listen. Cable networks will fail, yes CNN, as the airwaves are replaced with more savvy internet customers and cable packages are split apart. Providence.

  2. Read today in a Brazilian website (, there was a video but I just couldn’t watch it, “Trump continues destroying what was considered reasonably effective.” That’s what they tell the world.

  3. Two words: JAIL TIME.

    Also, require all Federal employees to get their medical care from the VA. That should fix all the problems with it. I mean, imagine Chuckie Schooomah sitting in the VA waiting room for nine hours waiting to get 45-year old NVA shrapnel dug outta his back and legs, eventually giving up and having his wife and son do it on a cot set up in the kitchen.

    Oh, wait. Chuckie is a world-class wuss. Never mind.

  4. Its like the looooooong overdo exterminator finally arrived to deal with a heavy infestation. These scum should have their faces and info posted on a website for national exposure. They should not be comfortable just slinking away into obscurity.

  5. President Trump, while you’re rooting out the miscreants at the VA, please take a look at the Presidential Biographies. There is one particularly egregious asshole who ran the VA, and he needs to be dealt with…

    “President Herbert Hoover signed the bill founding the Department of Veterans Affairs July 21, 1930. President Obama is committed to making sure that the VA, the second-largest cabinet department, serves the needs of all veterans and provides a seamless transition from active duty to civilian life, and has directed his Administration to modernize the way health care is delivered and benefits are administered for our nation’s veterans.”

    Please fix this, and all the other places this juvenile tagger has left his mark.

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