DC City Council Votes to Allow Physician-Assisted Suicide – IOTW Report

DC City Council Votes to Allow Physician-Assisted Suicide

DS: Earlier today, the D.C. City Council voted to allow physician-assisted suicide. But the debate isn’t over. The Washington Post reports that “the council must still hold a final vote on the bill, possibly as early as Nov. 15,” and that the mayor, Muriel Bowser, must decide if she’ll sign or veto the bill.

The mayor should veto the bill. Physician-assisted suicide will change us all, for the worse—as I explain in a Heritage Foundation report, “Always Care, Never Kill: How Physician-Assisted Suicide Endangers the Weak, Corrupts Medicine, Compromises the Family, and Violates Human Dignity and Equality.”

Too many people view physician-assisted suicide as a purely private matter between an autonomous adult who desires to die, and another autonomous adult who can provide medical assistance in death.

But no man is an island. Allowing doctors to prescribe deadly drugs to assist in the suicides of their patients is not simply a one-off interaction between two consenting adults. Changing the laws that govern how doctors operate will change the entire ecosystem of medicine. It’ll change how doctors relate to their patients and how much patients can trust their doctors.  MORE

16 Comments on DC City Council Votes to Allow Physician-Assisted Suicide

  1. Interesting that assisted suicide bills have blanketed the country with insurance costs spiraling out of control.
    Guess what is going to happen when you become critically or terminally ill – your ObamaCare plan is going to tell you they’ll pay for the suicide pills but not the treatment to keep you alive.

  2. anon – that has already happened to a young girl in california, about a week after their “assisted suicide” law went into effect….they decided to cancel already approved chemo, and told her she could get “the pill” for only $1.20…..

    somehow, “the pill” isn’t what it used to be…….sigh……

  3. This is about making The State the source of all decisions.
    This stuff will help you.
    This stuff is available.
    This stuff is beyond your means.
    Our algorithm says you are not a worthy cause to dispense funds
    You are dragging your family’s finances down with your desperate clinging to a life not viable.
    You should do the ‘right thing’

  4. I’d be glad to assist about 98% of the sons of bitches. No charge.
    – Unruly refugee

    Why only 98%?

    Trying to let other people have a chance at happiness and making the world a better place?

  5. Dadof4, there is a slight chance that about 2% of politicians are not corrupt enough to deserve a death sentence. Maybe it’s 1%. There are still a few who defend the constitution.

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