DC Elites don’t represent the American Worker – IOTW Report

DC Elites don’t represent the American Worker

Big Government


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The founder of the Black American Leadership Alliance (BALA) said no issue represents the divide between American workers and the political elite in Washington, D.C. more than amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Appearing on Breitbart News Saturday from the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans with Breitbart News Executive Chairman and host Stephen K. Bannon, Leah Durant said that average Americans feel like “they are left behind and not adequately represented” in the amnesty debate.

Durant said disaffected voters who are fed up with political elites and both parties “overwhelmingly” are against amnesty while their leaders are “on a completely different page.”

She said the legislation that the Congressional Budget Office determined would lower the wages of American workers would “undercut” the ability of Americans “to get jobs in their various fields.”   MORE


3 Comments on DC Elites don’t represent the American Worker

  1. DC Elites represent DC Elites and have never, don’t now, and will never give a shit about anyone else.
    In the movie Blade the upstart vampire says “these people are our food.” That’s what we are to the Elites. The source of all they have taken for themselves and do not deserve or appreciate.
    Elite? Only by their own measure, not mine or Gods.

  2. From the Comments:
    – cheechakos

    “Amnesty will destroy many people’s chances for a good job. Especially since many illegals will fill mandatory minority positions .
    Illegals are taking jobs traditionally filled by ex cons, teen summer employment,the disabled and the undereducated.
    Unions are full of illegals.

    The democrats care nothing about American workers. They just want to buy new voters and change the demographics of America.”

    The AA’s need to wake up.

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