DC Gulag Prisoners Send Out Helpful List for Trump Supporters Attending Protests and Rally Outside Miami Courthouse on Tuesday – IOTW Report

DC Gulag Prisoners Send Out Helpful List for Trump Supporters Attending Protests and Rally Outside Miami Courthouse on Tuesday

Gateway Pundit-

To all Patriots intending to show support for President Trump on Tuesday at the Florida Federal Courthouse

My name is Jon Mellis and I’m a J6er sitting in the DC Jail with many other J6ers. We love you.

We appreciate your support of President Trump. Thank you for showing up for him.

Please do NOT let any violence happen while you show your support and patriotism to the greatest President in American history.

We all know too well that government operatives may be involved.  Antifa and BLM agitators will try to attack you, egg you on, and even infiltrate your crowd to cause problems.

DO NOT allow violence to occur.

Be your brothers’ keeper and be your sisters’ keeper by de-escalating any possible altercations.

We J6ers know too well that ANY and ALL violence will be blamed on Trump supporters no matter who initiates it. read more

8 Comments on DC Gulag Prisoners Send Out Helpful List for Trump Supporters Attending Protests and Rally Outside Miami Courthouse on Tuesday

  1. @ Brad AT 3:59 PM

    I had a friend who was planning to go to DC on J 6th. I told him that it is a obvious it is setup over and over and finally he listened to me. He keeps asking how I knew it was a setup. I don’t know other than they did everything except put a full page advertisement in the paper.

  2. JD
    Anybody that’s dumb enough to show up to this must really have a thing for being a victim. First ANTIFA is going to victimize them them our Federal Government will take they’re turn.
    In fact I’d say if you were planning on going go with 1,000 of your heavily armed friends or don’t go at all. I think that’s where we are at.


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