DC Mayor Bowser’s second request for National Guard help with illegal alien ‘crisis’ denied by Pentagon – IOTW Report

DC Mayor Bowser’s second request for National Guard help with illegal alien ‘crisis’ denied by Pentagon


For the second time, the Pentagon denied a request on Monday by Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser to activate the National Guard to assist with thousands of migrants who have been arriving in the nation’s capital in recent months.

Bowser first asked for National Guard help last month, but it was rejected by the Pentagon on Aug. 4. She then sent another letter on Aug. 11, requesting that 150 National Guard troops be deployed to “help prevent a prolonged humanitarian crisis in our nation’s capital resulting from the daily arrival of migrants.”

Defense Department executive secretary Kelly Bulliner Holly wrote in a letter to Bowser on Monday that the D.C. National Guard is not trained to assist migrants and activation would lead to “diminished readiness” for the troops. more

7 Comments on DC Mayor Bowser’s second request for National Guard help with illegal alien ‘crisis’ denied by Pentagon

  1. I don’t understand the “crisis” part.
    DC wanted illegal-alien invading rat-people flowing into these United States, so where’s the “crisis?”

    You want something – you get exactly what you want – and then you bitch?
    Doesn’t make the least bit of sense. Maybe it’s a nihilistic totalitarian thing?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Yea, and not sound or peep from these types, when other cities have this invasion problem. Maybe they should be bad mouthing Biden the Clown for giving other Americans this problem and to start getting it fixed at the source.

  3. Print up some nice brochures (not too fancy, but nice) in espanol extolling the virtues of various sanctuary cities around the country. Hand these to the illegals first thing so they have time to choose, then when release time comes send them where they want to go. Don’t allow the option of ‘I’ll hang around here’ or other destinations;. just those cities, maybe twenty or so, scattered around the country. Then GET MORE BUSES and send ‘em on. YAY! Watch the commie heads explode! Detain and deport everyone who can’t read them on the back end, less terrorists that way.

  4. The solution to this issue is painfully simple. Every liberal DC family needs to pony up and open their doors and hearts to an undocumented alien family no matter where they came from. Let’s go libs, no more virtue signalling, time for the real thing!

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