DC Mayor Gives Open Borders Group $100,000 to Help Immigrants Become Citizens – IOTW Report

DC Mayor Gives Open Borders Group $100,000 to Help Immigrants Become Citizens

Judicial Watch: Months after spending $900,000 to supply immigrants and their families with “targeted services and resources,” the mayor of Washington DC is giving an open borders group $100,000 to provide English classes, legal consultants and workshops to help them become American citizens. The mayor, Muriel Bowser, proudly announced this month that the taxpayer allocation “represents the largest such government fund in the nation.” The money will help pay for projects that collaborate with employers to assist immigrant workers with the citizenship process by also hosting seminars, and individual legal consults. “Together, we’re giving more immigrants in our community a fair shot at citizenship,” Mayor Bowser said, bragging about similar programs funded with DC taxpayer dollars. “This grant builds on the work we have done through our Immigrant Justice Legal Services grant program and through the monthly citizenship workshops; it’s an example of how we can work together as a community and use local resources to break down barriers to citizenship.”

Last summer the mayor launched the $900,000 Immigrant Justice Legal Services (IJLS) Grant Program to provide legal services for illegal aliens at risk of being deported under the Trump administration’s stricter immigration policies. The money goes to leftist groups that provide “know your rights” workshops, legal briefings, trainings, mentorships and legal assistance. The program is the first of its kind in Washington DC. The goal, according to Bowser, is to help illegal aliens “navigate a challenging political climate and thrive in our community.” The mayor claims it has “helped bring our DC values to life and has made us a safer stronger DC” by providing immigrants with the knowledge and resources they need to understand their rights. Under the plan, leftist “community-based organizations” receive grants of up to $150,000 to help immigrants.

The recent $100,000 allocation is going to a group called National Immigration Forum that advocates “lawful permanent residence” for the nation’s estimated 11.4 million illegal immigrants. The nonprofit supports “commonsense immigration, citizenship and integration policies” and helps businesses assist immigrant employees with the citizenship process by focusing on “English language learning” to help immigrants become full participants in the workplace, community and economy. “Statistics show a direct correlation between immigrant integration and happier, more effective workers — which directly impacts business profitability,” National Immigration Forum claims. The group’s executive director, Ali Noorani, says the DC taxpayer dollars will help new Americans reach their full potential. “We are proud to partner with Mayor Bowser on this initiative that’s a win-win for Washington, DC, businesses and employees alike,” Noorani said.  more here

13 Comments on DC Mayor Gives Open Borders Group $100,000 to Help Immigrants Become Citizens

  1. I’d like to see someone say to Pelosi and the other anti-Amarican left, what Salvini said about Italy’s illegals problem:

    “ITALY’S ‘Take No Prisoners’ Matteo Salvini takes down hostile leftie who accuses him of killing migrants

    February 15, 2019 by BareNakedIslam 11 Comments
    In response, Salvini says: “A round of applause for the gentleman who has won 20 illegal (Muslim) migrants. Give your first name, family name, fiscal code, and we will send you 20 migrants and you get to take care of them and feed them everyday.”

    Voice of Europe Salvini then clarified the hypocrisy of leftist citizens from the middle class who always welcome Muslim migration but never have to deal with the consequences of it. “The more money communists earn, the more they preach morality to others”, he continued.

    The Interior Minister also gave a direct response to the left-wing activist’s accusation that he is a murderer. “The real murderers are the people who have been accomplices of the human smugglers and welcomed migrants and turned the Mediterranean Sea into an open air cemetery,” he said. To prevent that, we will reject every one of these illegal migrants.”

  2. Give minority leftists positions of power and they quickly get busy undermining this country. They never see the good this country has done for them they’re transfixed on the perceived slights they’ve endured by white society. These are angry people that have scores to settle.

  3. A lot of money for illegals, how much for their own (mostly Black) low end American citizens to help them improving their lives?

    Or does that kind of people count with them?

  4. Recall the bitch. It souldn’t be too hard to find the necessary signatures among the welfare set when they are told that 1,000,000 of their money has been spent to settle in illegals who will get more free stuff then they will and will go to the head of the line for subsidized housing and access to healthcare.


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