DC Mayor Muriel Bowser is Sued for painting ‘Black Lives Matter’ on the street leading to the White House because it ‘shows favoritism towards one race’ – IOTW Report

DC Mayor Muriel Bowser is Sued for painting ‘Black Lives Matter’ on the street leading to the White House because it ‘shows favoritism towards one race’

Daily Mail UK:

  • Washington, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser was sued on Wednesday in US District Court for the District of Columbia
  • The plaintiffs, three men, allege that the ‘Black Lives Matter’ mural painted on 16th Street conveys that black people are the favored race of the city
  • They demanded three murals be erected in its place reading ‘Blue Lives Matter’ for police, ‘Green Lives Matter’ for the National Guard and ‘All Lives Matter’
  • In the complaint, they allege renaming the street outside Lafayette Square ‘Black Lives Matter Plaza’ shows bias for one race
  • They suggested it be removed or that another street be renamed ‘Jesus is the answer Plaza’ 

Details here.

h/t Cakes.

15 Comments on DC Mayor Muriel Bowser is Sued for painting ‘Black Lives Matter’ on the street leading to the White House because it ‘shows favoritism towards one race’

  1. They reap what they sew. But that’s why they want to control the judiciary so that they don’t have to live under the same rules they make everyone else live by.

  2. ..that’s SOME can of worms you opened in your ignorance in bigotry there, eh, Mayor Affirmative Action Hire? What’s the BLM Virtue Signal look like anyway, a silhouette of a rat instead of a bat?

    Can’t WAIT to see where you find taxpayers to fleece for THESE courtroom losses, this one, AND the Fitton one…

  3. Yeah, right. Expecting that an activist judge throws this lawsuit out.
    However, I do hold out hope that they will be successful in getting the new street names

  4. I knew the first time I saw that, there would be unholy hell…meaning ‘black lives’ is not inclusive of Hispanics, LGBTQ, etc.

    There is much derision in that disorganization.

  5. “The plaintiffs, three men, allege that the ‘Black Lives Matter’ mural painted on 16th Street conveys that black people are the favored race of the city”

    ….wow, these guys could have been SOME fun in New Orleans after Katrina when Mayor Wille “Felon” Nagin called for it to be rebuilt at a “Chocolate City”…

    …full disclosure, I was in Nawleans a bit after Katrina on business (only way I’d ever go there since I’m White, not gay, and don’t drink), and I still have my “Willie Nagin and the Chocolate Factory” T-shirt some Arab street vendor sold me, but I’ll always regret NOT getting the blue one with the NOPD logo on it, but had NOPD spelled out as an acronym for “Not Our Problem, Dawg” in commemoration of how they mostly disappeared when the rain started except when it was time to prevent 80 year old ladies from being able to defend themselves from marauding bands of Black looters. Wonder if I can score an interesting “CHAZ” T-shirt after all this, maybe a “Chocolate Karen” one commemorating “Raz”, but we’ll see…

    (This isn’t my T-shirt, but it’s along these lines…http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/1338/788/1600/chocolate_nawlins.jpg)


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