DC Mayor Vetoes Metro Fare Evasion Decriminalization Bill – IOTW Report

DC Mayor Vetoes Metro Fare Evasion Decriminalization Bill

DC: WASHINGTON, D.C. — A bill to decriminalize fare evasion on the D.C. metro system that passed in the City Council was vetoed by Mayor Muriel Bowser on Wednesday. (RELATED: D.C. Moves To Decriminalize Metro Fare Evasion)

“We should not encourage lawlessness on Metro, which could exacerbate public safety concerns on our Metro and in our city,” Bowser wrote in a letter to the Council’s Chairman Phil Mendelson explaining her decision to veto, something she’s only done twice since assuming office in 2015.

While proponents of the measure argued that laws regarding fare evasion disproportionately affected people of color, others worried that decriminalization would leave an already-struggling transit system with revenue shortfalls.

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) that manages the Metro system was  opposed to decriminalizing fare evasion, a measure which they said would cost them millions and leave Metro Transit Police unable to mitigate other types of crime on the subway system, but it passed through Council easily.  more here

20 Comments on DC Mayor Vetoes Metro Fare Evasion Decriminalization Bill

  1. …the whole “disparate impact” argument is retarded. If you have a law in a 90% Black city, it’s preeeeety likely it will affect more Blacks than Whites. Use THAT standard for everything, and you may as well just quit pussyfooting around and say “laws are only for White people”, and watch the nation’s Capital turn into Zimbabwe West, but with even MORE violence…

  2. …that too, @Cynic, but my argument is against theory, and yours is about practice. Either way, it’s a stupid idea and only there to keep violent Democrats around for more voting and thug use in future…

  3. The majority of LIPs in DC are “colored” so how could the law NOT affect them?
    But disproportionately? Not at all. Even proportional affect would still piss em off – they’d lose their race card.

    And I’m fairly certain that the stupid, “liberal,” white maggots who live in DC would be more than happy to pay the “colored” peoples’ fines.

    izlamo delenda est …

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