DC: Paying people to NOT commit crime – IOTW Report

DC: Paying people to NOT commit crime

Money Flows Down Toilet

The Council of the District of Columbia approved legislation Tuesday that would pay residents in the nation’s capital for not committing crimes.

18 Comments on DC: Paying people to NOT commit crime

  1. Midnight Basketball
    Section 8
    Pell Grants
    “Green” Energy Research
    Windmill Farms
    $15 / hr for standing around picking one’s nose
    $1Billiion for Biden to cure cancer
    Lawyer for every illegal rat-person
    $1Billion to “help” addicts
    &c., &c., &c.

  2. This sounds too suspiciously like the bribes and ransoms that T Jefferson would have to pay the Barbary Pirates (muzzies) to get the US ships and crews back, back in the day. That is, until TJ sent the Marines there to whip the muzzie asses.
    “From the Halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli. . . ”
    Maybe it’s time to deliver another old-fashioned ass whipping? This time, domestically.

  3. I think these politicians were sitting around one day smoking some medicinal THC and one guy bet another guy that he could get a law in place to pay people to not commit crimes.

  4. Maybe De Blasio can pay the Five New York Crime Families (six, if you count the Clintons) to “protect” New York City.

    Oh, wait. Tammany Hall. Democrats. Organized Crime. NYC. Never mind.

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