DC Proud Boys Fight Back Against Antifa/BLM’s Attacks on Innocent MAGA March Trump Supporters – IOTW Report

DC Proud Boys Fight Back Against Antifa/BLM’s Attacks on Innocent MAGA March Trump Supporters

100%FedUP: Antifa and Black Lives Matter have been assaulting innocent MAGA March Trump supporters for several hours tonight (see video below). After a peaceful march on DC with no violence, BLM and Antifa marched on Trump supporters leaving today’s rally. They attacked and assaulted families, couples and single people who were just in the street. They even robbed and assaulted a Black man who was selling MAGA merchandise in the area.

How can Democrats like Joe Biden call Antifa and BLM an “idea”? These groups are domestic terrorists who believe you follow them or you are destroyed. It’s frightening to think this hate is happening in America. more

8 Comments on DC Proud Boys Fight Back Against Antifa/BLM’s Attacks on Innocent MAGA March Trump Supporters

  1. “Packing iron is super duper illegal in DC”

    Yep, or in most states during an organized protest. If you carry, avoid the mix, live on the fringe. In the shadows. That’s where you will do the most good.

  2. When BLM and Antifa are attacking old people, women, and children, the police are nowhere to be found. Yet, when people fight back against BLM and Antifa all of the sudden police are there to protect and serve. Why is that. 🤔

  3. “Yet, when people fight back against BLM and Antifa all of the sudden police are there to protect and serve. Why is that. “ The police unions are like most unions, communist.


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