DC: VA Medical Center Inspection Finds Dirty Sterile Storage, $150M Unaccounted for – IOTW Report

DC: VA Medical Center Inspection Finds Dirty Sterile Storage, $150M Unaccounted for

NBC Washington: Veterans Affairs reassigned the director of its medical center in Washington, D.C., after a scathing report revealed dirty sanitary storage areas, more than $150 million in unaccounted for equipment and supplies, and supply shortages that could affect treatment of patients.

Veterans Affairs temporarily assigned the director to administrative duties and named Dr. Charles Faselis acting director.

On Thursday, Veterans Affairs announced Col. Lawrence Connell would serve as acting director, reversing their decision on Faselis.

“After further consideration, it was determined that naming an acting director from outside the facility would allow leadership to concentrate on addressing the many challenges identified in the OIG report, without compromising the ongoing internal review,” Veterans Affairs said in an updated press release.

Eighteen of the medical center’s 25 sterile storage areas were found to be dirty, according to the report by the VA Office of the Inspector General. In five storage areas, the clean equipment and supplies were mixed with the dirty. Seventeen areas lacked ways to monitor pressure, temperature and humidity.

The rest is HERE

13 Comments on DC: VA Medical Center Inspection Finds Dirty Sterile Storage, $150M Unaccounted for

  1. The sorry SOB needs to be “reassigned” to Ft Leavinworth prison… Where the hell is President Trump and his supposed love of my fellow Vets, when I keep hearing about the mistreatment of them, and the unabashed corruption that’s still rampant in that POS organization?!
    It’ll be a cold day in hell before I ever take advantage of that particular veterans “perk”… Trump should be making heads roll on a regular basis over there, until they get the fucking message that mistreatment of our Vets has gone on for FAR TOO LONG,and will no longer be tolerated! Fucking do something!

  2. It’s incredible that we will bend over backwards (and forwards) for illegals to make sure that we are giving them everything they need for their families, and then screw our vets! Take all taxpayer funding away from illegals and the companies that employ them, strip sanctuaries of billions, and make the VA the reward that they truly deserve. FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL.


  3. So is this asshole going to be assigned to another facility? It’s like removing the tumor from the liver, and transplanting it to the kidney. At least pretend you are doctors.

  4. If any of the commenters were put in charge of the VA, a vast organization, less than 60 days ago, would you have already known the culprits and have acted? We all want heads to roll, but it will take some time to identify processes that need correcting and people who need removal. You couldn’t do that in a medium sized company, let alone this leviathan. Let them do their jobs and solve the problems. Show trials and frog matches don’t save lives. Digging into issues and devising solutions does. Have some patience.


  5. I think many people in the country have never been to Washington DC and only see images of the White House and the capitol as backdrops on the nightly news.

    If you take in the full scale of all of the massiveness of all of the buildings within a 50 mile radius of those backdrops, knowing that they are packed with millions of government employees and lobbyists and contractors, all doing their best to hold onto their jobs at all costs and by any means necessary, you might get a better picture of what Trump is up against.

    Think about it. Even real estate agents in that area have a personal interest in an ever growing national government otherwise they go bust. So the conspiracy runs very deep. Builders, building suppliers, even down to taxi services. Trickle down economics only works in DC.

    I was in a suburb just this week. Near Dulles airport. Construction everywhere. Mega building after mega building housing Raytheon, IBM, McDonnell Douglas,

    Take a trip here sometime. You will be shocked. No recession there and the sheer magnitude will floor you.

    Really fancy swamp. These people will not willingly surrender their gravy train.

  6. Most of those culprits have been around a long time, and if identifying them is a problem, simply start at the top and work your way down until they get the fucking message, and start turning that train wreck around. It’s no mystery in the privileged DC circles who’s been doing what, or not been doing as the case may be. In my view, taking proper care of our active duty military and our military Veterans should be at the top of the list of priorities. But hey, that’s just me…

  7. Prairie Son. I’m inclined to agree with you and head rolling should begin soon, but let’s get it done right.
    My garden is overgrown with weeds but I can’t pull them all at once. I evaluate a strategy and start with the worst area and work my way through it methodically.

  8. maybe i’m missing something here, but i’m sure these problems were charted somewhere and there had to be upright people who suspected these things and waited in the shadows until a new sheriff came to town and then exposed them.

  9. This is a huge cancer that has been festering for years. Unfortunatly it will take time to clean up. We as Veterans need to keep pressure on the upper echelon.I have fought with my VA Clinic to allow Service Animals in. It took a Congressman to get it done.
    If we keep after our Congressmen/women and Senators, We will fix the cancer. As with cancer it will take time.

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