De Blasio Claims The ‘Wrong People’ Have All The Money – IOTW Report

De Blasio Claims The ‘Wrong People’ Have All The Money

DC: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio defended his plan to provide health care to all New Yorkers — including illegal immigrants — on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper. He stopped short of explaining exactly how he planned to offset the cost, saying only that the “wrong people” had all the money and he planned to correct that.

Tapper opened the segment by quoting Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum — who had proposed a similar plan for his state, but noted that unless other states joined the program, it would be financially impossible. “He was saying in Florida they could do it only if other states joined him because otherwise, all sick people would just come to Florida,” Tapper explained.

“What’s to stop sick people from flocking to New York and overburdening the system?”

De Blasio shrugged off the question, saying, “I don’t see that happening.”   MORE HERE

21 Comments on De Blasio Claims The ‘Wrong People’ Have All The Money

  1. …I’ll agree with him, to a point. A LOT of wrong people have money.

    They call them Democrats.

    Most of it was obtained through fraud, deceit, and theft, and maintained by using taxpayer funds to pay their living expenses once they cheat their way into office.

    …for these and many other reasons, I’m all for taking it away from THEM as soon as possible…

  2. I propose a five year plan. And if (or more likely when) that doesn’t work out so well – another five year plan! And then another one after that. And so on and so forth until we either go completely Venezuela or we run out of five year plans.

  3. If they look like a traitor, act like a traitor, and talk like a traitor they’re a traitor. What the communists are up to is obvious. They are recruiting young men of military age to fight against patriots when they make their move to take away guns.

  4. Hey, DeBlasio why don’t you start with yourself? You have enough money that you can afford to share with others, we don’t and are sick of being taxed to death to pay for freeloaders. Come on, I triple dog dare you to be generous with your money, like that’s really gonna happen. HYPOCRITE!

  5. Stupid people (the wrong people) and their money soon part. That’s why so many stupid people work for the government. Shutdown or not, work or not, effectiveness of money spent or not, it doesn’t matter — They all get paid, ensuring they not only remain stupid but also are funded to be stupid.

  6. It’s always the wrong people with money, with cigars, with wine, with cocaine, with Acapulco Gold, with Panama Red, with African Mumbo-Jumbo, with Thai Sticks – sheesh – I guess the list is endless – “The Rent is Too Damned High” and there just aren’t enough Rolls Royces in the ghetto.

    Parasites have been around since the beginning.

    “We want to relieve want; not to supply indolence.”
    (2500 years ago)

    We have learned nothing – NOTHING.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Who gets to decide who should and should not have money? I would not trust Mother Theresa with that kind of power.

    Furthermore I think we should pass a law like unto the Roman Republic legalizing tyrantacide or in simple English we can shoot on sight people who would make themselves master over others.

  8. @Billy Fuster January 14, 2019 at 11:18 am

    > They are recruiting young men of military age to fight against patriots when they make their move to take away guns.

    Since the patriots have proven to be “Fifty Years, a Pacifist,” they won’t be missed.

    Now, should the islamists be pounding on the front door, while the progressives are pounding the back, I might have a decision to make. But, otherwise, when it comes to the gallows, “First come, first served.”

  9. @Pelopidas January 14, 2019 at 12:55 pm

    > Who gets to decide who should and should not have money? I would not trust Mother Theresa with that kind of power.

    And then?

    (joining the screeching voices, “Do it!”)

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