De Blasio Delays Passengers From Leaving His Flight So He Can Make TV Appearance – IOTW Report

De Blasio Delays Passengers From Leaving His Flight So He Can Make TV Appearance


NYC Mayor leaves flight first so he can go on ‘The View’

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D.) forced his fellow plane passengers to wait on the tarmac while he and his campaign team deboarded on Thursday so the mayor could make an appearance on The View. 

De Blasio flew into LaGuardia Airport from Detroit, where he participated in Wednesday night’s Democratic presidential debate alongside former Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) and seven other candidates.

The New York Post reported de Blasio made Delta passengers wait for 10 minutes on the tarmac after their flight landed so the mayor and his team could be the first off the plane.

Passengers on the plane were not pleased with the mayor’s actions, according to interviews conducted by the Post. 

“This is just a continuation of the rudeness and the bluntness of his performance last night,” one passenger said. more here

9 Comments on De Blasio Delays Passengers From Leaving His Flight So He Can Make TV Appearance

  1. Delta sucks. Can’t say it any plainer than that.

    This has been a bad week for Delta Scarelines. First one of their pilots gets arrested onboard the plane because he was shitblind drunk. Then they cave in and kiss the ass of an incompetent asshole like DeBlasio? Screw you, Delta!Never flying on one of your dilapidated bucket of bolts again

  2. Delta messed with Ann Coulter a couple of years ago. Ann booked a seat with more legroom (she is tall), and some liberal ass-hole at Delta forced her to sit in a regular seat.

    She was pissed and nobody could blame her.


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