de Blasio Mandates Vegetarian Diets at NYC Schools to Save the Planet – IOTW Report

de Blasio Mandates Vegetarian Diets at NYC Schools to Save the Planet

Dan Bongino: 

In a move that would make Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) proud, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced yesterday that he would be implementing a city-wide “Meatless Monday” for all NYC public schools to keep a green planet “for future generations to come.”

The program will begin in the 2019-2020 school year and will offer only vegetarian menus for breakfast and lunch on Mondays. The idea was first piloted in 15 Brooklyn schools in Spring of 2018.


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28 Comments on de Blasio Mandates Vegetarian Diets at NYC Schools to Save the Planet

  1. You can’t get the same calories into kids nor do those veggies hold you between meals. So, the school is taking responsibility for the malnutrition of the students on one day a week?

  2. Some enterprising kid can make a fortune taking a 6′ sub and a bunch of pencils to school. Why the pencils? To beat the rules they will make about selling food. This way you buy a pencil for $5 and get a six inch sub as a thank you bonus.

  3. Stupid.
    He’s doing this at the expense of the kid’s nutrition, in order to make himself look good, somehow, to people who think like him. He should look for the 850 million dollars that his wife can’t account for. Find that, and impress me.
    The purpose of providing breakfasts and lunch for kids at school is to give them proper and adequate nutrition, when they might not have that availability at home. That is noble, and I can support it, though not all need it. But I’ll support it. Kids need protein, complex carbs and fat if they are going to be attentive and learn. Meat provides that.
    What I will question is- if the meals programs are intended to supplement inadequate nutrition, as might be found in a home environment, wouldn’t the two days of eating only at home during the weekend be the most concentrated period of that possible poor nutrition? I suggest that it is, and that is supported by the original argument for the meals program itself. So, stepping back, and objectively looking at his proposal, it appears to me that the major outcome of his program will be to extend the poor nutrition period from two to three days. Why doesn’t anyone else point this out?
    Kids need proper nutrition in order to learn and thrive in school. He should not deny them that for his vanity. I would support restrictions related to EBT cards, but he would never suggest that. Kids, especially kids who are under nourished, are much easier to bully around.
    And I’m vegetarian.

  4. does the mayor of NYC have the authority to just arbitrarily change the school lunch menus? doesn’t it have to go thru the city council/school board before approval dictatorial pronouncement?

    eh, phuck it …. assclown progtard kids that survived infanticide being turned into drones, with the acquiescence of their parental units

  5. “Kids need protein, complex carbs and fat if they are going to be attentive and learn. Meat provides that.”

    …if the kids could be attentive and learn, @toby miles, they wouldn’t be Democrats, now, would they? Can’t have THAT…

  6. Roach coaches (food trucks) could make a fortune just parking on the streets adjacent to the NYC schools as long as they’re not on school grounds. But that also would probably be illegal according to this commie Mayor.

  7. My theory is that NYC schools can’t afford meat five days a week.

    And Jimmy, it might be sold as “Medicare for All” but it’ll wind up as “VA for Everybody” (except Congresscritters of course)

  8. What do you want to bet “meatless Mondays” will become “brown-bag Mondays”?
    How is it that leftists are evidently incapable of foreseeing the consequences of their stupid ideas?


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