De Blasio Staffers Allegedly Call Bid For His Presidency a ‘Joke’ – IOTW Report

De Blasio Staffers Allegedly Call Bid For His Presidency a ‘Joke’


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s staffers are reportedly not taking his bid for the White House very seriously.

“It’s a joke,” one of de Blasio’s long-time aides allegedly said.

“I think that he knows that he can’t win. It’s just a lot of eye-rolling . . . He’s doing it because he’s got a big ego and needs to prove something, and I don’t think he’s going to quietly go away and become an adjunct professor at Hunter,” the staffer told the New York Post, referencing a college in Manhattan.

Another staff member criticized the mayor for being too busy on the campaign trail when a massive blackout recently befell the city.

“The look is not great,” the aide commented. “He probably should have come back a little faster.”

In May, Breitbart News reported that President Trump had ridiculed de Blasio on Twitter regarding his decision to run for president in 2020.

“The Dems are getting another beauty to join their group. Bill de Blasio of NYC, considered the worst mayor in the U.S., will supposedly be making an announcement for president today,” he wrote. “He is a JOKE, but if you like high taxes & crime, he’s your man. NYC HATES HIM!” more

11 Comments on De Blasio Staffers Allegedly Call Bid For His Presidency a ‘Joke’

  1. “Joke” my ass.
    From the number of “candidates” I have to assume that it’s a way to steal.
    There has to be some profit in the process.
    Shit-weasels and twat-waffles (such as Buttigieg and deBlasio) are so cringe-worthy that it may appear as a joke but then you consider a Bernie Sanders, who isn’t even a Demonrat, running for the Demonrat nomination, you realize that there’s something terribly amiss.

    Deceiving and defrauding the Sovereign should carry consequences – life changing consequences.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Don’t laugh.

    Having a campaign is a way to get bribe money for someone who already is in office, such as a city mayor who can do “stuff” for political cronies.

    Once a candidate drops out or loses, whatever is left in contributions can be used in multifarious ways, e.g. to pay still outstanding salaries and expenses, e.g. to support (power-broke) another candidate, e.g. to hold for a future run for office, e.g. to be donated to a charitable org (not infrequently the candidate’s or friends’ own non-profit projects)…

  3. About half the democrat field probably have staffers thinking the same thing. Beto, Hickenlooper, Bennett, all the other guys and gals with 0-1% that insist they still have a chance.

  4. That’s how a loser tries to deflect his failures: “it was a joke!”

    We’re laughing at you asshole,
    at least those of us who aren’t affected by your misrule.


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