de Blasio’s health dept. commissioner- “I don’t give two rats’ asses about your cops” – IOTW Report

de Blasio’s health dept. commissioner- “I don’t give two rats’ asses about your cops”

De Blasio Copgate: Mayor tries to calm storm over a vulgar snub to police request for masks, PPE.

Just The News: New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is stepping into a firestorm over the city health commissioner reportedly rebuffing a police request for masks and other protective gear when the deadly coronavirus hit – in an effort to calm angry officers and union officials demand her firing.

“I don’t give two rats’ asses about your cops,” health department Commissioner Oxiris Barbot reportedly said in response to police Chief Terence Monahan’s request for safety equipment to keep his officers from becoming infected.  more

19 Comments on de Blasio’s health dept. commissioner- “I don’t give two rats’ asses about your cops”

  1. How is this moron in public office?

    Then again, there’s LA’s moron mayor garcetti. And cortez. And omar. And tlaib. And maxine waters. And sheila jackass lee. And…

  2. It is funny that Red State officials are warning about mental health issues of lock downs but the less concerned Blue State officials seem to be the ones going crazy and not thinking clearly.

    @ Bad_Brad

    Cutter? as in semi wad?

    @ BBB

    When you are that short, you are angrier because you smell a lot more farts than everyone else.

  3. Kcir

    Funny you should go their. I had to clean my Les Baer tonight. Had about 700 round thru it. Les Baer has a freaken garage door spring for a recoils spring. I shot the retaining pin clear across my shop. Never to be found. Luckily a buddy owns a retail gun store around the corner and he had one in stock. Many swear words were used.

  4. I miss my 1911 the most

    My twin 686 performance center 2nd

    and my SIG 226 3rd.

    Switched to Compound bows years ago due to the huge pain in the ass in my city to use any handgun. Gun range only in Canuckistan.

    Long guns (non black rifles are much easier to live with up here) The hunting look is well accepted.

    You guys have no idea the shit we live up here. Always remember that!

  5. Kcir (2 Faced Trudeau)

    That sucks. You should have just picked up and moved to the states.
    I’ve been carrying a Glock (G19). But I grew up shooting 1911’s. I just hit and transition so good with them I’m contemplating giving the Glock to the wifey. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve put the time in on the Glock too.

  6. What kills me is that the comment is two months old and de Blasshole is acting like he just found out about it!! I’d wager good money that Commie Buffoon has known about it all along (and condoned it) until it just recently became a public hot potato! That’s just how that Piece Of Shit rolls!

  7. …and yet the police continue to violate the law and oppress citizens on their behalf, to help them usher in a world that promises more and worse…

    …too bad they don’t teach history any more, or they’d know what Stalin did to WWII vets after they won the war for him, it’ll be kind of the same for THEM…

    …here’s the Animal Farm version…

    “Soon Squealer announces that the doctors could not cure Boxer: he has died at the hospital. He claims to have been at the great horse’s side as he died and calls it the most moving sight he has ever seen—he says that Boxer died praising the glories of Animal Farm.”
    -George Orwell, “Animal Farm”

    …just keep praising Noo Yawk there, guys, you’ll be “Dying At The Hospital” yourselves soon enough…


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