De Blasio’s New York: Corpse Wrapped in Plastic Bag Found on McDonald’s Rooftop in the Bronx – IOTW Report

De Blasio’s New York: Corpse Wrapped in Plastic Bag Found on McDonald’s Rooftop in the Bronx

Gateway Pundit: New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio bragged on Thursday about having fewer people in New York City jails than any time since World War II.

De Blasio then added, “And we are safer for it and better for it.”

This comes the day after a corpse was found wrapped in plastic on the rooftop of a McDonald’s restaurant in the Bronx.

27 Comments on De Blasio’s New York: Corpse Wrapped in Plastic Bag Found on McDonald’s Rooftop in the Bronx

  1. Well duhhh, the criminals are either, dead, in the hospital or out free on no-bail. Anywhere but in jail.

    What a maroon! No, check that. His base are maroons! Oh hell, they’re all maroons. Marooned on the Hudson River.

  2. I though New York City banned plastic bags.

    So, maybe he dropped-in and hit the roof when he smelled the grease? And then he tried to bag it and got wrapped up?

    His name was Mr. McHomeless and his cause of death was listed as “COVID-19”

    *ba da GONG*

  3. Poor man. RIP.
    Was that a take out?
    Was that order to go?
    Someone left their order on the roof?
    McDonald’s can really do that SOCIAL distancing thing!
    Lord forgive me!


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