de Blasio’s wife urges New Yorkers to do their own policing – IOTW Report

de Blasio’s wife urges New Yorkers to do their own policing

American Thinker:

By Monica Showalter

Did it occur to any of the leftist politicians boostering for the ‘Defund the Police’ far-left trope that they might just be left holding the bag? 

Seems not. And sure enough, it’s slowly starting to dawn on them that were played for fools.

Because in the wake of the media-vaunted ‘defund police’ movement, every last blue city in America kowtowing to this has, surprise, found itself in the middle of a crime wave. Crime-plagued blue cities are now becoming unliveable, and citizens who form their tax bases are fleeing, That presents some problems for these pols. Caracas-ization is not for the faint of heart. But remaining fools, they don’t exactly know what to do about it.

Crime in New York City is out of control, so Chirlaine McCray, the scandal-plagued wife of far-left Mayor Bill de Blasio, is now offering a bizarre new solution to resolve the problem: Every citizen his own policeman. more

h/t NAAC

26 Comments on de Blasio’s wife urges New Yorkers to do their own policing

  1. “The wife of New York Mayor Bill de Blasio wants citizens to personally “physically intervene” to stop violent crimes …. ”

    Somehow, for some reason I can’t quite identify, I think that ay not work out well as the solution for violent crime in NYC.

  2. Lure the people with the promise of Socialism, create chaos, burn, loot, rob, rape and fill the city with crime, disease and sidewalks of shit, drive out the people, drive down the real estate value of prime coastal properties, then sell it off to the Chinese for pennies on the dollar $24 dollars of beads and trinkets. The plan is right on target!

  3. Myself and another fellow that lives down the street from me “police” our little section of town. We have zero crime in my neighborhood. Why? Because all of the troublemakers in town know I’m serious as a heart attack and my buddy Steve that lives down the street is a “special forces” kinda guy. At least that’s what all the stuff on his wall in his office says. I don’t ask.
    We had a rash of car break-ins here a few years back. So we set up a trap and waited until we caught two young “upcoming business types” on video. Did we call the cops? Nope. What did we do? We forcibly dragged them (crying like little babies) to my basement and showed them the video of them stealing from cars on our block. Then we told them to spread the word about stealing in my neck of the woods. After being scared shitless, they were so willing to prevent crime in our neighborhood that when we showed them other videos of things that happened around us, they went out of their way to identify some of the other criminals. One of which involved the theft of a firearm from a vehicle that we did contact the police about. The weapon was recovered and the person arrested . That was probably 6 years ago. We have not had any problems since. I would like to think it’s because the word got out.

  4. …I think that’s why gangs formed originally, to do the work the police wouldn’t or couldn’t do, most people join gangs initially for protection, and even the Mafia started because Italians didn’t think the police were interested in protecting them as a group, so I think Noo Yawk is WAY ahead of you THERE, sister, but it’s when these types of “self-polcing” branched out into criminal enterprises that the NYPD was needed in the FIRST place, so like a typical Democrat you’ve managed to circle us back to a place we tried to leave behind for a REASON, just so you could enjoy power, thanks for that Dems, now we get to live the bad parts of the last century all over again just because YOU guys are incompetent assholes, thank you EVER so much…

  5. “Find someone in a position of authority…”
    Like a cop?!?! They’ve been defunded by racist Woke Supremacists!
    This is idiocy on an unfathomable scale.

  6. 35 years ago I lived on a block with a Mexican gang house in Los Angeles. Yes, Friday and Saturday nights there could be some loud parties, but there was ZERO crime! They made sure that no neighbor had a reason to call the police.

  7. In my youth, I visited West Africa. A social norm there was that should someone steal from another, the victim would cry out “Thief! Thief!” and every man within earshot would grab a club and chase the perp until they caught him. Then while waiting for the police to arrive, they’d beat the poor fellow soundly, making him happy to see the police arrive to take him to a nice safe jail cell.

  8. So, she’s given up her security detail, as well as the ones for her useless husband and even more useless spawn?
    Will we see her doing the 5 D’s, stepping in to help out a fellow NY’er?
    Shut your piehole!


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