Dead air: Sebelius Speechless! After Reporter Tells Her How Unpopular ObamaCare is – IOTW Report

Dead air: Sebelius Speechless! After Reporter Tells Her How Unpopular ObamaCare is


Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was forthcoming in response to an Oklahoma City news reporter’s questions about Obamacare on the last day for sign-ups — until he told her how unpopular President Barack Obama’s healthcare plan is with people in his own state.

Then she was speechless.

The awkward pause occurred Monday morning during an interview with CBS affiliate KWTV reporter Stan Miller in which Sebelius gave several last-minute details for those who had not met the March 31 open enrollment deadline.

The interview was almost over when Miller told her that “at last check, 64 percent of Oklahomans aren’t buying into the health care plan, they don’t like Obamacare, and they’ve been pretty vocal about it. Now that’s going to be — still continues to be — a tough sell, but we’ll see how that plays out over the coming months.”

He paused while waiting for Sebelius to reply, but none came. And after about seven seconds of dead silence, Miller broke in and said, “All right, Secretary Sebelius, thank you so much for being with us this morning. I think we’ve probably lost sound here or something.”

But the sound wasn’t lost.

“I can hear you,” Sebelius said to break the silence. “But I — thanks for having me.”

SNIP: Watch the ‘ evil deer in headlights’  look on video HERE


16 Comments on Dead air: Sebelius Speechless! After Reporter Tells Her How Unpopular ObamaCare is

  1. Just got through informing a trolling drone at Breitbart on this same report. It was repeating the statist script of ‘people can now have affordable health care’. They spout this line as if affordable health care is available for ‘the first time’. BS. Oklahoma, as with most, if not all, states have had programs like Sooner Care in Oklahoma for low-income people.

    I lost my contract in 2010 and after ten years found myself out of work and nearly out of money. At 55 I was able to find a plan with Sooner Care for $56 a month.

    I guess they are also too adverse to thinking for themselves or using Google to have found numerous websites to shop for health insurance…. site that work quite efficiently that existed long before this fiasco even became this fascist dictate known by the Orwellian title of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

  2. Must have been an off day for her. She forgot that the liberal vs conservative rule book clearly states that when faced with facts you must immediately call the questioner a) a racist, b) a bigot, c) a fascist or d) all of the above.

  3. Seems like she has a mental health issue. She should go visit a general practitioner who can no longer refer her to the required specialist for legal reasons and cost cutting measures.

  4. Cold as ice and arrogant as hell. She wasn’t caught off guard. She just didn’t want to dignify that comment with a response.

    She’s just another pol on the lifelong gubmint teat. Dumber than a box of rocks, but the daughter of one of her state’s former governors and one herself. Hard to believe a commonsense state would’ve ever elected someone like her. If Cruella DeVille came to life, Secretariat Sebellius would be her doppleganger.

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