Dead people are receiving $1,200 coronavirus stimulus payments, lawmaker says – IOTW Report

Dead people are receiving $1,200 coronavirus stimulus payments, lawmaker says

The IRS declined to comment when asked about how the agency plans to reclaim payments made to deceased individuals or inmates.

And guess what?

Democrat lawmakers propose $2,000 monthly pandemic relief payments for Americans.

I hate these people.

11 Comments on Dead people are receiving $1,200 coronavirus stimulus payments, lawmaker says

  1. Well, gee whiz, the dead were promised $1,200 for their vote last election. To renege and not pay them would be to run a huge risk that they won’t show up to vote in November.

  2. Bring out your dead for their free 1200 bucks. Why not, they’re entitled to it as well as criminals, illegal aliens etc. and every other politically correct democrap approved minority group. We’ve lost our friggin minds folks, good grief these people won’t stop at anything to further their socialist/communist agenda. And I thought that you couldn’t take it with you after you croaked.

  3. When I check the “get my payment” app it says “payment status not available” which means I don’t qualify. And that makes no sense because I do qualify according to their guidelines. Fucked by the govt again I am. But dead people get it, fuck is this shit frustrating.

  4. ^^^ Same here. They don’t have my bank info and they might not be giving status updates for a check that will get mailed at some time in the future. Just a guess.

  5. I think we’re way overdue for some cleaning up of the government records! My mom died about 3 1/2 years ago. I reported her death to social security (or whoever the funeral home told me to report it to), and still, last November I received her mail-in ballot at my house – even though she never lived with us, or lived at this address. When I called the county voting registrar, she just said ‘That’s weird. That shouldn’t have happened.’

    ….and I live in Utah – not a hotbed of voter fraud!

  6. I know I’m getting MY money, because a nice guy (with an Indian accent) from the IRS called me yesterday, and I gave him my SSN, bank account number and password. Can’t wait to get that money, he said I would get what’s coming to me by today!


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