Dead Superpower Walking – IOTW Report

Dead Superpower Walking

By Mark Steyn | Jewish World Review:

The War on Terror began with men plunging to their deaths from the highest floors of skyscrapers hit by airplanes; it ended with men plunging to their deaths from the undercarriage of a US airplane taking off from what’s left of “Hamid Karzai International Airport” (the signs will be coming down even as you read this).

America is a global laughingstock right now, but that’s no reason not to give Chairman Xi and Putin and every up-country village headman in Helmand a few more yuks. Step forward, State Department spokeswanker Ned Price:

State Department calls for Taliban to include women in its government

The United States is dead as a global power because of this kind of indestructible stupidity. You’ve lost, you blew it, it’s over: The goatherds just decapitated you; could you at least have the self-respect not to run around like a headless chicken too stupid to know it’s nogginless? Or like a broken doll lying on its back with its mechanism jammed on the same simpleton phrases: “Diversity is our strength… diversity is our strength…”

Contrast the Washington presser with that in Kabul:

Taliban spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid says ‘We have defeated a great power.’

Hmm. Ned Price vs Zabiullah Mujahid: tough call. The mountain of non-existent dollar bills that the bloated husk of federal government blows through every minute surely should buy sufficient self-awareness to know that, whatever else it may be, this is not a day for wankery as usual. Even CNN has a more proximate relationship to reality. Here is their Kabul correspondent, Clarissa Ward, reporting on Sunday: MORE HERE

5 Comments on Dead Superpower Walking

  1. If our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines were allowed to do their job, the taliban would have ceased to exist. All they have defeated is a failed policy of appeasement for financial gain.

  2. If by superpower you mean policing (and paying for) all the world’s issues, you can have it.

    However, by not maintaining a satellite presence well outside our borders to keep the enemy away, yes, we are weaker now.

  3. Trump summed it up a few days ago.

    1 Get the civilians out first
    2 Get the military & big guns out
    3 Bomb the hell out of the remaining 5 main bases that were left behind.

    His words, not mine.


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