“Deadly Deception” – IOTW Report

“Deadly Deception”

Centipede Nation:

“This is a presentation given on December 7, 1994 by Dr. Robert Wilner where he denounces Anthony Fauci as one of humanity’s greatest genociders.

Dr. Wilner claims HIV has been around for hundreds of years and the abuse of pharmaceuticals (Such as AZT, and antibiotics that treat venereal diseases), street drugs, and malnutrition are what turns HIV into AIDS.

[He spoke too slow for me, so I boosted the speed to 1.5 (click the red cog)]

h/t Patrick Byrne

19 Comments on “Deadly Deception”

  1. Plus, Fauxi said with a straight face that illegals are NOT carrying/spreading the virus – Americans are.

    I’m calling bullshit. I’m never wrong so one of us is lying…

  2. Fauci is nothing more than a little rabid and demonic toad who is no creator and can’t make the last breath of air, drop of water, or spark of fire. He was set loose upon the citizenry to do as he pleases with the protection of other money-mad potentates and the ignoramuses who believed in his/their bs. Less belief and flattery by the people, less power and ability towards destruction by him and his accomplices.

  3. My uncle was a boomer country boy who left small town SC to be a flower child vagabond in the mid sixties. He moved to San Francisco when I was seven, and sent me and my mom letters and groovy postcards for a few years. I idolized him and covered my bedroom door with the postcards. He would visit every year, and those were some of the happiest times of my life. He even moved to Atlanta for a while, and he lived on fourteenth street in midtown. But that was in 1971, and the hippie scene had faded. so he was only there for a year or so.

    Then he moved to Greenville SC, closer to his home town. We didn’t see him much after that, and in 1974, we got a call saying that he’d died in a flophouse in Greenville. He’d been a junkie for awhile, but he hadn’t overdosed; he’d wasted away from a chronic illness. Later my mom took down all of his postcards from my door while I was at school, and she bundled them with a ribbon and kept them with her other memories. I was angry at first, but my dad helped me understand her grief.

    Years later, after my mom (his sister) died in 2000, my dad told me that my uncle was homosexual, and my dad went so far as to speculate that my uncle had died from what they would later call GRIDS ( Gay-Related Immune Deficiency) which was the fore-runner term for AIDS. My mother had deluded herself about her brother’s lifestyle, and my dad loved her too much to push the subject because it was just not important in the big scheme of things. My dar is a perceptive guy, and I think he was right on the money about AIDS being around long before it had a name. At least since 1974.

  4. Another greedy, lying, sack of shit in gov’t who profits from the deaths of the citizens who pay its way.

    Why am I not surprised? His type seems de rigueur rather than exceptional.

    God Bless America.
    mortem tyrannis

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Fauci and Birx both were compromised from the start. The disease isn’t covid or any other disease; the disease is the un-elected Administrative State. As it stands, our three branches of gov’t are irrelevant.

  6. ^ ^ ^
    Birx’s daughter Amanda works for the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation as Deputy Director of Strategy & Planning. One can only imagine the mother daughter conversations those two had when Birx was on TV 24/7.

  7. How similar (AIDS & Covid history):
    Underlying preexisting morbidity,
    A virus that wreaks havoc w preexisting conditions but not the healthy
    Garbage research testing on ‘cures’ that look like they contribute to death
    Same Fauci, different decade.


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