Deadly London Tower Fire Fueled By ‘Green Energy’ Rules – IOTW Report

Deadly London Tower Fire Fueled By ‘Green Energy’ Rules

Daily Caller:

London’s Grenfell Tower was made worse by government “green energy requirements” that allowed fire to rapidly engulf the building Wednesday, leaving at least 17 people dead and scores more wounded or missing.



While it’s unknown what sparked the fire, experts say that the cladding, or exterior insulation, created a chimney effect through which the fire rapidly spread upwards. The cladding was added to Grenfell’s exterior in 2015 as part of a $12.8 million retrofit.

“I have never seen a fire that has engulfed an entire building like this in a career of more than 30 years,” Matt Wrack, who heads the Fire Brigades Union, told The Telegraph.  more here

20 Comments on Deadly London Tower Fire Fueled By ‘Green Energy’ Rules

  1. People don’t understand that once
    you are over the 6th floor in a
    high-rise building, the FD boys
    can’t help you unless they can
    enter the building and fight the
    fire from the inside using the
    standpipe for a water supply.

  2. Think of all the water that was “saved” by not extinguishing the fire. Import boat loads of third world people, allow rule by progressive morons that can’t add or spell, and you turn what once was the world’s greatest country into a laughing stock 3rd rate place that no one wants to visit. I saw London once, I’ll never go back. The place is toast.

  3. When it comes to loonies saving mother Earth, humans are expendable. There’s only one Earth. Al Gore might come out tomorrow and declare 10,000 human heads per day need to roll off a mountain side in order to save earth, and the very next day those heads would start to roll.

    Is there much difference between that and paying environmental taxes in order to temporarily live in a chimney?

  4. It is ease to make and enforce individually deadly decisions when you regard people as merely interchangeable units of a collective govt-ruled social machine.

    I’d like to see some requirement that every upper level govt manager of these high-rise council flats life on the top floor of one.

  5. BTW, I couldn’t help but notice that many of the survivors of this fire wore scarves on their head and seemed to hail from a more Mideasterny kind of place.

    Yet no outcry at all about oppression of Muslims. I guess that only happens when you say “Fuck these Muslim cunts” while Muslims are in the middle of a homicidal rampage

    Proggtardos delenda est

  6. The floor plan I saw showed only one stairway and one elevator. For a 27 story building. Was this thing. Hilt in the 19th century? Sprinkler system and fire alarm shut off (early report), people told to stay in their flats, not to leave. WTF? I thought “Great” Britain was a modern country?

  7. Environmental idiots also caused the World Trade Center buildings to collapse (they forced a change in insulation that would have protected the steel girders: and also the Space Shuttle Endeavour (again, a forced insulation change that allowed a chunk of the lesser quality to fall off and damage the heat shield:
    Environmentalists – helping to kill untold numbers of people since forever.

  8. Let’s remind everyone that the owners of this building was the government. The very same government that evaluates and sets the standards for minimum building requirements by “greedy capitalists” in the free market so that tragedies like this can’t possibly happen.

  9. Question: wasn’t this “air pocket” the same reason given for the fire which quickly engulfed the mid east high rise – was it Dubai – around New Year’s?

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