Dealing With The Rot of Obama’s Judicial Legacy – IOTW Report

Dealing With The Rot of Obama’s Judicial Legacy

Diogenes’ Middle Finger

America Will Be Dealing With Rot of Obama’s Judicial Legacy for a Long Time to Come.

The one lasting damaging legacy of Barack Obama will be his radical judicial appointees. This is again demonstrated in an article by George Neumayr @The American Spectator of 8/24. He writes of a first-hand account of a leftist judge appointed by Barack Obama exhorting new citizenship recipients to disrespect the very nation they were just bestowed with the privilege of becoming a legal citizen.

“A friend invited me to a citizenship ceremony in Brooklyn on Wednesday, held at the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York. I arrived around ten, assuming that I would witness the ceremony up close. But that’s no longer permitted, at least not in Brooklyn. The court’s charmless bureaucrats instead pen friends and family in a third floor room with a soundless television, through which the ceremony is beamed terribly. It is next to impossible to see anything and the absence of sound makes viewing pointless anyway.

Annoyed by this scene, which might as well have been a crummy airport lounge in a Third World country, I walked outside. I was told that the impossible-to-hear citizenship ceremony (for us) would wrap up around 11:30 or noon, at which point friends and family could greet the new Americans on the second floor as they streamed out of the court room. Out of sheer boredom, I decided to go down to the second floor early and could hear the judge bellowing at the newly sworn-in Americans through the closed door. A few other friends and family of new citizens had the same idea and we compared notes on the possible identity of the loudmouth judge.    more here

8 Comments on Dealing With The Rot of Obama’s Judicial Legacy

  1. My Russian born wife became a US citizen in 2008. There was a ceremony in a beautiful federal courthouse and the oath was given by a federal judge. It was dignified and the judge spoke shortly about the great privilege that becoming a US citizen was. There were about seventy people who took that oath on that day. Two of them were white, including my wife. The other was a Canadian woman who was married to a college professor. I heard someone ask the Canadian woman what she did and she said she worked for the Tides Foundation. I had the urge to grab her citizenship certificate and rip it to shreds.

  2. America Will Be Dealing With Rot of Obama’s Judicial Legacy for a Long Time to Come.

    When you were a kid, you told the mall Santa that “When you get married, she’d be the one. The only. Just like Jesus did.” Now you’re waiting for her parole hearing. While looking for a second job. To cover the legal fees. Of getting custody of her son. Fathered by the twelve (now fifteen) year old neighbor kid. With the luxurious mustache. That’s what married people do. They man up.

    Because you can’t fix stupid.

  3. And she is wearing a Mooshelle-inspired Boob Belt!
    If it wasn’t for the fact he is as queer as a 3 dollar bill, i would guess Obozo got a little “thank-you” from this judge for her appointment.

  4. I’m going to try the optimistic view that the majority of these new US citizens came here from some country lacking freedom and opportunity, are smarter and wiser than Judge LaShann Moutique DeArcy Hall, recognize her as a dumb ass, and know more about how to be productive US citizens than she does.

    At least I hope that is the case as frequently foreign born legal immigrants who become naturalized citizens don’t take American freedom & opportunity for granted as much as native born citizens. And are often quicker to see the danger signs of the country heading in the wrong direction than native born citizens who have been indoctrinated to think socialism is a darn good idea.

  5. Agree with Doc, the portrait is perfectly fitting.
    Although the nation is finally relieved of this cretin the harm he has done will be eating away at the nations fabric for decades. It takes an act of congress to rid the judicial system of these anarchists and that isn’t likely to happen. Too many Ryan types seated to make that happen.

  6. Take heart, just as mouse dick Muslim Marxist planted 8 years of poisonous seeds in the American garden, Trumpus Maximus will replace the weeds with liberty trees…and the SCOUTUS will be the ultimate garden trowel….


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