Dean Heller (R- NV) Says He’s ‘Pleased’ Obamacare Repeal Failed – IOTW Report

Dean Heller (R- NV) Says He’s ‘Pleased’ Obamacare Repeal Failed

Federalist: Republican Sen. Dean Heller said Friday that he’s “pleased” the Republican effort to repeal portions of Obamacare ultimately failed.

“I feel real pleased at the way this thing turned out and we’re turning the page now to tax reform” the Nevada senator told a local CNN affiliate, KRNV, of the failed Obamacare repeal bill.

Heller, who voted in favor of the so-called “skinny repeal bill” that failed to pass the Senate by a narrow margin of votes last month, had spoken out against earlier efforts to repeal the health-care law. Heller worried aloud that repealing Obamacare in total would mean his home state of Nevada would lose federal subsidies to support the state’s Medicaid program it expanded under Obamacare — despite numerous warnings that doing so is unsustainable.

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14 Comments on Dean Heller (R- NV) Says He’s ‘Pleased’ Obamacare Repeal Failed

  1. More proof of the dis-ingenuity of the Mensheviks (RINOs).
    If any were needed.

    “If I say a thing that I know is not in perfect truth; it is a flat perjury.”
    (Dead White Guy)

    We should establish some standards of conduct, or, at least of honesty, in which to hold our representatives and agents in the public sphere.

    And the penalties for transgressing those standards MUST be serious enough to discourage it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Once a State attaches itself and citizens to the federal teat of giveaways, grants and subsidies, they become addicted and become entitled.

    Not unlike those on EBT and other assistance programs.
    The state never tries to alleviate their problem and the entitled EBT holders never find a job.
    Same problem, just on a larger scale.

    And the Big, All Giving, Overbearing Government (Reps and Senators) won’t pull the teat from their mouths, re-election and self preservation, ya know?

    The States, special interest groups, users, abusers and losers all cry, “More, More” ! And Congress gives them more and more of our tax money. A never ending cycle of waste and corruption.

  3. Dumb ass. If simply left alone commie care would have collapsed on its own. But since the Republicans got involved the media claims we now own it. Nothing good is going to come from that. And this dumb shit is playing right into the demo commie’s hands. He needs to go.

  4. Again, I say, Obamacare is an entitlement. It’s not going to be repealed in any sense. The House and Senate have no rule(s) for eliminating an entitlement, so it can’t be done.

  5. It would be interesting to know what his position was two years on repeal (or in 2012 at the time of his election). I still scratch my head a bit about Nevada. How could the state have any fiscal problems (in this instance what the Senator describes as the huge Medicare increases that would have to be rolled back if Obamacre were to be fully repealed) when they must have massive revenues coming in from tax on the gaming industry at every government level. There’s slightly less then 3 million people there with a $52K median income. How can they all be on medicare? Wiki states that there is no personal income tax nor any corporate tax. The latter sounds a little off as I would think there is some sort of tax on gambling. Of all the states that could afford to finance medicare to whatever level the state deems appropriate this seems to be the one.

  6. Mitch McConnell says,

    “It’s time to not get tax reform and infrastructure done. If we try real hard, by Christmas we will have compiled enough excuses for the American people.”

  7. Losing his job after deceiving and defrauding his sovereign (the dummies who elected him) isn’t enough – he should be executed for Treason – that’s the proper term.

    I don’t understand the docility, the … uhh … predilection for being abused by these maggots.

    izlamo delenda est …

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