Dear Anti Gun Fanatics, Look To Venezuela For The Ultimate Reason To STFU – IOTW Report

Dear Anti Gun Fanatics, Look To Venezuela For The Ultimate Reason To STFU

The Vulgar Curmudgeon:

Maduro is arming his supporters to protect himself as that country circles the drain towards getting torn apart because of his corruption.

This is exactly why we have the 2nd Amendment you fools.

Venezuela’s Maduro to provide guns to 400,000 loyalists amid peaking tension

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said he will expand the number of civilians involved in armed militias, providing guns to as many as 400,000 loyalists.
The announcement came as Maduro’s opponents are gearing up for what they pledge will be the largest rally yet to press for elections and a host of other demands Wednesday.

24 Comments on Dear Anti Gun Fanatics, Look To Venezuela For The Ultimate Reason To STFU

  1. @Jethro;

    But, but…. the media says they were all short haired, white supremacists and Nazis.
    I’m so confused ! /s

    I agree ! There are many in Venezuela who are in the streets and in prison who cherish freedom. God speed.

  2. @Jethro (at 8:30 pm): That quote, although frequently attributed to Ben Franklin, is just as frequently contested, since it is found in none of his writings, and especially since the word “lunch” is not known to have appeared anywhere in English literature until the 1820s, decades after his death. A more likely (modified) source follows:

    In 1992, Marvin Simkin wrote in the Los Angeles Times, “Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. Freedom comes from the recognition of certain rights which may not be taken, not even by a 99% vote.”

  3. Anti-gun fanatics aren’t fools in this regard. Not at all!

    This is exactly what they want. Defenseless opposition while they have all the guns.

    Not a glitch – it’s a feature. A feature they are aiming for.

  4. Jethro nailed it.

    True Story: A famous European leftist economist/ political scientist went to Venezuela during the height of Chavez’s reign of terror so he could study the Socialist Paradise that was Venezuela. But he quickly realized that the branch of Socialism that Chavez and Maduro were following was National Socialism (Nazism). So he quietly published his study, calling Venezuela’s system “Socialistic Nationalism” and made sure it got buried.

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