Dear Bernie Sanders, Sorry I’m The Problem With America – IOTW Report

Dear Bernie Sanders, Sorry I’m The Problem With America

A tech CEO feels Berned.

Fortune: I agree with Bernie Sanders. The economy is rigged. In fact, it’s what my father, who is very conservative, taught me about life. Some find it surprising because the general position of liberals seems to be that conservatives don’t realize, or won’t acknowledge, this rigged economy. But my dad’s advice to me time and time again was that the world was rigged and the only way I could make it was to work harder than the people who were in charge of the rigging.

A few years ago I was walking through Harvard Square when a woman holding flyers for Elizabeth Warren stepped in front of me. She asked if I thought the government should pay off student’s debts. I don’t think the government should, but, then again I never had student loans. No, it wasn’t because I was from a wealthy family. I never had student loans because  more here

h/t Flaming Hetero

7 Comments on Dear Bernie Sanders, Sorry I’m The Problem With America

  1. I thought his post was well written and made a number of excellent points.

    The majority of commenters sure as fuck didn’t think so. They tore into him for his apparent disregard for the way things “really” are both in college and in the real world.

    Many told their tales of woe about how it’s just impossible to get through college without student. But wait, the author did it so WTF? Turns out these whiners are talking about the Harvards and Yales that cost close to $50,000/year.

    Although the author didn’t mention it, chances are he went to an instate college for his education forsaking the Ivory League entry on his resume. When your long term goal is too work for yourself, it doesn’t matter where you’ve schooled.

    Then the whiners related how even thought he author states he worked so hard because he knows our system is rigged, all is for naught yasee because the Koch Brothers and GE aren’t going to pay any taxes(it’s a lie about the Koch Brothers BTW).

    I am so fucking sick of these whiners cocksukers, you’ll never know. They have been taught that achievement is handed out around the corner to whites. And no matter how hard a black works, he’s destained for ignominy.

    My story almost parallels his-no one handed me shit. I was the first in, the last out and missed tons of social events working weekends.


  2. Milton Friedman said it years ago – Industrialists take over big governments. The solution is to VASTLY REDUCE the size of government. 5% of GDP or less would be about right.

    Every other solution is a complication, not a solution.

  3. My Old Man sat me down several times in my life in his ‘come to Jesus’ sessions (usually after an ass whuppin’)
    I don’t remember everything he said, but a lot of it was colorful.
    “You are going to get kicked in the teeth in this world and there ain’t shit you can do about it”
    “Nothing in this world is free”
    “Hard work is the ONLY path to success, anything else is bullshit and fairy tales”
    “You WILL get knocked down, and you HAVE to get back up”
    “If you want life to be fair, find another world to live in”
    And my favorite:
    “Life is full of shit sandwiches. Do you want to be the guy who has to eat shit sandwiches all his life? Do you? Or are you going to work your balls off and become the guy who makes them?”

  4. “The world is gonna fuck you plenty.
    Don’t fuck yourself.”

    (live white dude)

    I know a guy who went through Community College, BS (Physics), MS (Nuclear Engineering), and PhD (Nuclear Engineering), ON HIS OWN (with assistance from his wife … moral, not financial), and never had so much as a single penny of loans.

  5. I loved this article. It perfectly articulates how my husband and I feel as small-business owners. We have worked our proverbial balls off for 20 years; did a lot of “staycations” over the years with the kids; stayed in a small-ish house despite our growing family so that we could keep ourselves and the business on strong financial footing (this was hard for me during the housing boom, when everyone I knew was building a McMansion and I was green with envy, but of course I was thrilled to own my home free and clear when the housing bubble burst…and all my McMansion friends were underwater).

    So many sacrifices, none of which I regret, but now, because we are doing decently well, we are the bad guys. It infuriates me.

  6. White people do not need to apologize for being white or for being successful! Racism and white privilege are sledgehammers being used by disgruntled people who are either to dumb or to lazy to do what is necessary to succeed. Yet the dirtbags continue to flood into this country by the millions. If they want to live with their own majority then they should stay where the hell they are (or go back to where they came from) and enjoy their own color of privilege be it black, brown , yellow or purple! White is beautiful and we will never retreat, give in or be intimidated by lowlife scumbags!

  7. Yeah, I agree, this economy is totally rigged against me. It’s hard for me to find work because employers place too much emphasis on bullshit like looks and degrees and not enough on talent and experience. I’ve worked thousands of hours of unpaid overtime even when Federal law said I was entitled to be paid for it. Now my financial future rests in the slimy hands of Governor Andrew “Douchey-Douche” Cuomo, who has unconscionably allowed my union to go almost five years without a contract–he”s trying to balance the state budget on the backs of its employees.

    Funny, all these trends sound like the result of liberal ideas abd values. So please explain to me how Uncle Bernie is supposed to make it all better for me? More likely, I’ll be whipped even more on payday so Shaniqua can get her acrylics done and DaShawn can wear $200 sneakers.

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