Dear Hollywood: We kinda hate you back – IOTW Report

Dear Hollywood: We kinda hate you back


Patriot Retort: Well, file this under “nobody’s surprised.”

Last night’s Academy Awards program was the lowest-rated ever.

I guess the idea of being hectored and scolded by out-of-touch Hollywood elites just isn’t the ratings bonanza they think it is.

From Deadline:

“Last night’s ceremony drew a 18.9 Live+Same Day rating in the metered market households. That was off 16% from last year’s 22.4 rating, which was a nine-year low. The 18.9 appears to be an all-time low for the Oscars, below the previous low ratings point, logged with the 2008 telecast (21.9), hosted by Jon Stewart, when No Country For Old Men won Best Picture.”

Sorry, Hollywood. We’re just not that into you.

The Academy Awards have always been a self-gratifying circle-jerk. But now that these awards shows are being utilized to condescend to normal people, they’re even less appealing.  MORE

26 Comments on Dear Hollywood: We kinda hate you back

  1. the Oscars are a stroke fest anyway. “members” of the academy voting for themselves. nuttin to do with you
    except you’re suppose to go spend your $ based on who won the statue. I knew a few people out west that got all the swag and copies of the flicks….your basic attempt at vote buying.

  2. A bunch of pampered pussies going through life pretending they’re important!! Kind of??? Most of these folks need lots of couch time with shrink!!!

  3. Last night the Women of Hollywood organized and heroically demanded
    that they not be treated like sex objects within their industry.

    So they showed up at The Oscars with their mammaries propped up to
    their molars, their skirts (if they even wore one) slit up to their aspirations,
    in dresses made from fabric provided by Saran Wrap.

    It was whorrific.

  4. Hollywood’s been in decline all my life. Twitter gave the fading C and D List a temporary reprieve and a last taste of instant free publicity just by tapping “Send” while sitting on the toilet.

    I literally can’t remember the last time I actually looked forward to seeing an upcoming film.

    And political opinion makers? Puhleez. Once any industry devolves down to the likes of Jennifer Lawrence they’re finished.

  5. Mark Steyn just had some lame brained liberal named Wendy on Tucker tonight. She said the reason the ratings were low was due to the fact that no blockbusters were nominated. Maybe no blockbusters happened in the first place because half the country refuses to spend money on all the liberal egotists and blowhards in Hollywood. We stopped going to the movies period.

  6. The current batch of talentless, hypocritical, brain dead hacks appearing in the mind numbing, stupid movies Hollywood has been churning out can all pound sand.

  7. Gary Oldman is an actor first. Don’t be fooled by his patriot stance. It really is all about ticket sales. He and Hollyweird know conservatives loved the Churchill movie, so he was just a fake sacrificial lamb.
    Oldman is all in with Hollyweird. He just appeared on Jimmy Kimmel’s show and put his Oscar through a “Oscar Wash”. A lame Kimmel skit. Believe this- he wouldn’t be working regularly, if he was a true conservative.

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