Dear Men: Never take advice from a feminist – IOTW Report

Dear Men: Never take advice from a feminist

Why on earth would any self-respecting man listen to a feminist?

That’s as stupid as Republicans taking advice from Chuck Schumer on what positions they should hold.

I stumbled across a series of tweets from a feminist that made me roll my eyes so hard they nearly got stuck:

What a load of garbage.

Though, I do agree with her on one point.

Men do need feminism as much as women – meaning they don’t need it at all. None of us do.

Feminism lost its usefulness years ago.

Now, these feminists look to replace misogyny with misandry.

They’ve become the haters who seek to undermine and delegitimize all things masculine. MORE


24 Comments on Dear Men: Never take advice from a feminist

  1. I’ll agree with her on a couple of points. When I was younger I had hopes that I would be a decent man, husband to my wife and father to my kids and and I had fears that I would fail.
    I don’t think that was what she was writing about however.

  2. No recollection that it was EVER useful. Kind of neat to go without a bra for a week or two, but that was about it (and the thrill didn’t last). IMHO, “feminism” destroyed the treasure of being a woman.

  3. Now I’ve learned something else new. I am now, and have always been, a feminist. Quoting Ashly Perez:

    “Men need feminism just as much as women do.”

    Truer words have been written. But I doubt on this lifetime.

  4. Ashly, you can collect all the pajama boys you want. Enjoy. Leave the real men for we the conservative women who understand and appreciate them.

    Leftists are never satisfied with living their lives how they want; they must destroy what they don’t like, demand everyone else confirm to their ideals and be killjoys in every way possible they can think of. Geesh.

  5. A little humor guys and gals, or gals and guys. Got this from a friend: The power of punctuation.
    An English professor wrote the words: “A woman without her man is nothing,” on the chalkboard and asked his students to punctuate it correctly.
    All the males wrote: A woman, without her man, is nothing.
    All the females wrote: A woman: without her, man is nothing. So there!

  6. I wish women would just get over the games, all the posturing. I mean, hugging and snuggling and spooning are nice…when you’re in high school, but women need to eventually learn that it’s ok for them to just say “Dude, I want to you rail me right now. Hard.”

  7. Why do you have to emasculate a man to feel he has hopes, dreams and feelings? These feminists demand to be accepted as they are and yet they want to change men (into pansies) instead of accepting them. Irony alert?

  8. You have to be careful, some of the things men wear are made by man-haters. The briefs you can’t pull your Johnson through to pee standing up, the jean zippers that stop so high they perform circumcisions, and put on your jeans then look at your ass in the mirror – your butt looks like flattened banana peels. Women, all done by man hating women. I dream of the return of the Cadillac bumper bras,… corsets, and black stockings that stop just above the knee.

  9. Feminists are usually mentally defective, intellectually void, unattractive, mean, mad, bitter, unworldly, self absorbed, resentful,
    inconsiderate, irrational, PMS 24/7/365, deranged, spiteful, belligerent, obnoxious, hypocritical, unrealistic, man-hating dykes without any friends except Hillary.

  10. @carter April 12, 2018 at 6:26 pm

    > I dream of the return of the Cadillac bumper bras,… corsets, and black stockings that stop just above the knee.

    Dude! Just subscribe to GQ.

  11. I just love this:
    “After equality, wage parity, liberation of body and soul, and the extension for the ratification of the ERA, women still can’t do the following:
    Start barbecue fires, Hook up a stereo, Shine Shoes. Anything on a roof. Decide where to hang a picture.
    Investigate mysterious house noises at night. Kill and dispose of large insects. Walk past a mirror without stopping to look. P.J. O’Rourke, National Lampoon, 1979.


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