Where Are You? – IOTW Report

Where Are You?


Dear Muslim Communities in the West…

Here is what I wish someone would say to Muslims….here’s my attempt:

We have seen yet another terrible terrorist attack in the West, in London Saturday night.

We hear that you are as upset by these things as we are only we don’t see you putting yourselves in any position which could prevent things like this.  

Where are you?  


14 Comments on Where Are You?

  1. There is no moderation, Islam is fundamentalism. We are kidding ourselves if we continue to beg for them to show themselves.

    The so-called “moderates” are the ones who are quietly on the sidelines until Islam gains upper hand.

    They ALL celebrate the butchering of infidels, whether blatantly or in privacy. This is what they want, only Islam.

  2. There is no moderate Islam.

    The “extremist” Muslim is going to kill you.

    The “moderate” Muslim is planning the street party to celebrate your being killed.
    And is planning on grabbing your house and your business afterwards.

  3. The video from Liberty GB had 10 salient points, needed 11. Allow British citizens to arm themselves and carry. They are defenseless and the police are reduced to picking up bodies mostly.

  4. Even if groups of muslims do this it probably would be a form of taquiya. Seems like mistrust is built into their “religion”. Also, if anyone had good intentions and were seeking consciousness they would recognize islam was evil and would leave despite the danger.

  5. How f*ckingly naive.

    “Where are they?”

    They’re standing on the side of the terrorists. They’re enablers. They’re conspirators. They’re COLLABORATORS. IT’S ALL ABOUT ISLAM…NOT the “extremists” or “terrorists”…ISLAM. Period.

  6. I’m going to go against the grain a little here. We keep reading about the cops having this terrorist or that group on their radar prior to some attack and you have to ask how at least some of them got there. It wasn’t the NSA and the feds pretty scary widespread surveillance or undercover work it was likely tips from muslims who saw the radicals and overheard or heard from others about their aims and called the authorities to report them. We also hear about how many plots have been foiled over the years and surely some of these were nipped in the bud by information provided by muslims.

    The point I’m getting at is that there are moderate muslims who prefer to interpret the Koran in a non political way and help the authorities in catching the violent ones but because of the nature of these violent Islamic groups they stay in the background and aren’t reported on. It would be nice to see marches and a whole lot more public support of freedoms and the rule of western law but I’m not sure that would happen.

  7. We understand the dangers of Islam and being directly connected to terrorism, almost all of it. What I want to know is why the governments allow and promote it, in some cases such as Garland Texas? ( FBI guy filmed it but did not try to stop it). Somebody please answer that question.

  8. 1400 years of islam terrorist history.
    islam’s writings, teachings, spoken words and actions lead only to:
    Conversion, submission, slavery, or death.

    If cancer attacks the body, do you ignore it, do you feed it, nurture it, do you love it, speak well of it and think it will assimilate with your body’s normal function that strives to live?

    No. You do all you can to eradicate it.

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