Dear Professor – Field Report From CHAZ – IOTW Report

Dear Professor – Field Report From CHAZ

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

Unrolled Tweeter Thread from@MattsIdeaShop:

Autonomous Zone Day 1
Dear Professor Whoake, Well, we did it. I can’t believe we are actually dismantling the system! We got the cops out and set up a few co-ops food stands like you suggested. People are very happy. Everyone has really positive status updates. Talk soon.

A.Z. Day 2
Hey Professor Whoake,  So minor set back. A roaming band of homeless steampunks stole the co-ops supplies. We have a few sketchy pieces of fruit and enough water to last until tomorrow when we can resupply. The stores closed tho so I’m not sure where to go? Ttyl

A.Z. Day 2 [dusk]
they took the fruit and water. I don’t understand the steampunk genre. There’s rumors of a rapper warlord wandering around with an ak47. Your classes never taught us how to deal with that. Starting to think need a group of people to enforce our laws… MORE

9 Comments on Dear Professor – Field Report From CHAZ

  1. Tucker Carlson just ran a great piece … since no one else can open up their sports venues, CHOP is going to host the ‘CHOP Summer Olympics’ complete w/ barrier building races, loudest yeller, best beat-down of non-conformists … no drug testing …. Mark Steyn mentioned that if urine was found in your drug sample that will disqualify you from competing

  2. WATCH: Reporter Assailed by Riotous Mob at Seattle’s CHAZ: (has YouTube video)

    She also posted it on Facebook:

    That happened Monday night. It’s just going to get worse. Those “people” are barbarians with no civilized, redeeming qualities AT ALL.

    Yeah, I know. What was she expecting? At least she did it so other can learn more about the evil that’s being promoted there.

  3. @JDHasty June 17, 2020 at 10:07 pm

    > Atlanta police just walked off the job in zone 6, 7, and 3….they are turning in their keys and quitting their jobs.

    No. They’re “retiring”. So the citizens can keep paying them. To not do “their” job.

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