‘Dear Tucker. Don’t Be Ashamed – OWN IT’ – IOTW Report

‘Dear Tucker. Don’t Be Ashamed – OWN IT’

Do the right thing, own your actions, or someone else will force you to in the public eye.

Hmm… It’s getting weird out there. According to the [alleged] emails, Tucker Carlson and Hunter Biden were very friendly back in 2014, 2015. I wonder if Tucker will respond.

18 Comments on ‘Dear Tucker. Don’t Be Ashamed – OWN IT’

  1. So, why invite Tony Bobulinski on his show to trash the Bidens?
    Did Tucker and Hunter break up?

    I’ve been hearing about a ‘big guy’ on FOX being on the shady side.
    [take your pick, right?]
    For some reason, I figured it was Hannity. lolol.
    But, if it were Hannity, it would have surprised me.

    The article isn’t totally trashing Tucker- but I would love some clarity from him. Because it’s all getting weird.

  2. Tucker had to have wondered about, or even seen the emails. I mean, they were on hunter’s laptop, which everyone seems to have a copy of. lol.
    He really should have said something ahead of time.

  3. Maybe I’m just too cynical by nature, but something about that story has an odor to it. I mean the “I could drop more but I won’t” remark shot up a red flag for me.

  4. Yea, but nope. Deep Fake. q overplayed their hand, notice the spelling of “qne” as in q for one, one for all. Hogwash!Q is slimey as hell and its followers stupid as fuck.

  5. Tucker has said in the past that he knows Hunter Biden and always thought he was a nice guy. You can meet someone in a casual setting and have good conversations with them, without finding out they have a very dark side. I think people in power don’t like Tucker shooting his mouth off and are intent on taking him down…but that’s just my take.

  6. Rick- So I’m CNN? As long as you’re Fredo to my Potato Stelter. 😉
    “Alleged” is because I am not the source.

    As with every post. Look at the links, absorb what’s there and see if shit comes up later that confirms what was said.
    That’s why I post things like this. I don’t want to ALWAYS see shit everyone else has. Do you? It gets very boring.

  7. This is old news. I saw Tucker refer to Hunter as “a nice guy”, and that was a couple years ago. Guilt by association? Maybe a re-evaluation of the “crime” is in order here.

  8. I went back and carefully studied my statement mja. I’m still looking for where I said you were cnn. Yep, just looked again, can’t find it. Maybe you can help. Or not.


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