Dearbornistan : All meat served in public schools is now Halal – IOTW Report

Dearbornistan : All meat served in public schools is now Halal

GWP: Keep in mind that many Halal certification organizations are linked to jihadists and terrorist factions.

Halal food adheres to Sharia law and is a form of slaughtering animals by slitting their throats and letting the blood drain out. Muslims will recite a ‘blessing’ while the animal bleeds out.

Dearborn, according to the 2010 census, boasts the largest Muslim population in the United States.

Dearborn Public Schools bragged about overhauling its public school menus to make them ‘more diverse’ and by ‘more diverse’ they mean Sharia compliant.

Dearborn Public Schools is overhauling its school menu this year! Students are in for a more diverse menu, more options every day, more fresh produce, and more made-from-scratch meals.

Parents will see menus that are easier to find and understand – right down to being able to look up possible allergens and even carb counts online for every dish.

The changes come after the district hired Southwest Foodservice Excellence (SFE) to help oversee the food service program. The company has provided nutritionists and chefs to help transition the district to a program with a much more expansive and fresh from scratch menu, including training the District staff on how to cook these meals. In addition, SFE will help improve food service operational, procurement and financial tracking systems and reinforce nutritional and safety protocols. SFE works in 150 school districts around the country offering several employee management models. In Dearborn, District employees will continue to run and staff our kitchens, working in close partnership with SFE.

Students will see dramatic differences in this year’s menu, staring with more made from scratch meals, promised Joshua Bain, SFE senior general manager of food service.

“The district has been doing a lot of heat-and-eat because it was easy,” Bain said. Now, everything will be handmade, down to the sandwiches.

“We will actually spread peanut butter on bread,” Bain assured. More than 75 percent of SFE’s offerings are fresh-from-scratch.

The first short week of school shows the changes. Students will be offered orange chicken with rice, Thai veggie stir fry, and beef tacos. Elementary schools will offer at least three entrée items each day, middle schools four to six, and high schools six to eight. In previous years, elementary schools offered only one other option, the same vegetarian second choice for the entire week.

All the meat served in Dearborn will now be halal. Before some schools offered all halal, while other had a mix, which contributed to confusion about which menu was being served at which school.


21 Comments on Dearbornistan : All meat served in public schools is now Halal

  1. God had to be removed from the pledge, then the pledge had to be removed. Then the U.S. flag had to be removed as it hurt their feelings. Then anti Christian teachings were allowed in textbooks. Then pro islam teaching were put in the textbooks. Then they took free speech and the Second Amendment. I’m beginning to think I live in the UK.

  2. @Lowell October 8, 2019 at 2:58 pm

    > Halal slaughtering is for all intents and purposes identical to Kosher methods.

    Naw. They don’t even split the vig, like Democrats & Republicans.

  3. If I was a Christian parent and my poor kid was going to one of those Satan infested madrassas I would pack him tasty lunches like BLTs, pork roll, hoagies, ham and cheese sammich, pork chops, split pea and ham soup,

    The pig list is endless 🐖

  4. God, please deliver the people of Deerborn in Jesus name.
    I ask that you help them. Give them courage and strength to stand up to the demonic oppression and the infestation of the false god and the cruel lies and teachings- amen.


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