Dearest fellow Earthlings- How are you celebrating Earth Day? – IOTW Report

Dearest fellow Earthlings- How are you celebrating Earth Day?


This morning was trash pickup day. So I celebrated by setting the recycle bin outside with nothing in it.


51 Comments on Dearest fellow Earthlings- How are you celebrating Earth Day?

  1. I have old dried firewood, old used car oil, and a backyard fire pit. Soak wood in oil then burn. It won’t get rid of all the oil so I’ll just have to pour the leftovers into the storm drains. Just doing the libs work. Happy earthday to you. 🦄❄️🌈🔥🤡👍

  2. Ran an errand downtown and came across a March For Science protest. I did not come away with an impression that it was a group of intelligent people. One sign was memorable: “Trump Has A Pi$$ Feti$h”

    Made no sense to me. I would imagine any thinking person would be embarrassed for them.

  3. I usually don’t celebrate anything, but this morning as I was taking a stroll I needed to pee so I pissed behind a tree (nobody around at 5am to see me) so does that count-you know giving back the water I drank the night before.

  4. Had to go to town so I walked around the gathering at the park amongst the attendees, the vendors, and while wearing my 2nd Amendment tee-shirt and NRA cap. Enjoyed the nasty glares, but couldn’t endure the smell of patchouli oil and body odor. Had to leave after making only one round.

  5. I just got back home from driving 60 miles with my little girl to visit a farm that was hit by a tornado a couple weeks ago. We picked strawberries and bought some plants to help support their rebuilding efforts. Good amount of people there. This is a Christian family and business. I am glad they are on the rebound. Lot of help from vendors and the community.

  6. @Inigo – Kindly please ignore the targets mentioned in my previous post. I have seen TRUMP bumper stickers on both Priuses and Smart Cars. So, instead, pour the oil on the tires of cars with HILLARY or BERNIE bumper stickers. Oh, yeah, and COEXIST stickers, too.

  7. Sorry I’m checking in late. I was out riding my four wheeler across protected sand dunes and doing doughnuts in the virgin grass lands. Just had a tune up on it but it seems to be running a bit rich.
    Am I supposed to turn the choke off after it warms up?

  8. I was too busy getting ready for Fuck The Earth Day which is tomorrow. I have some used oil to pour on a duck, I’m going to let all my motors idle for an hour, and hyperventilate to spew as much CO2 into the environment as I can. Then I’ll set fire to a picture of Ira Einhorn and piss on it to put it out. I’m really getting stoked here.

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