Death Knell of Obamacare? Georgia Passes Direct Primary Care Agreements – IOTW Report

Death Knell of Obamacare? Georgia Passes Direct Primary Care Agreements

Georgia just passed a bill legalizing direct primary care agreements between doctors and patients, bypassing the insurance industry. If this spreads to even more states, could it be the death knell of Obamacare? Given the reluctance of Congressional Republicans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, could this be, as Bill Whittle says, “the best news since Donald Trump was elected President”?  WATCH

10 Comments on Death Knell of Obamacare? Georgia Passes Direct Primary Care Agreements

  1. I have a great plan through my employer now. I had to go on to an Obamacare plan while transitioning jobs. It was a bad joke. Sky-high deductibles & co-pays, a bunch of stuff not covered, and priced through the roof.

    Years ago I worked for a financial planner who sold med insurance. These were known as catastrophic policies. They were only meant for young people in good health and were dirt cheap at that time. Like always Barry really screwed things up. Now that there are alternatives without government interference things can improve. Anything that allows free market competition will help.

  2. I know these are Mr. Whittle’s word but congress never promised to “repeal and REPLACE” obamacare. All that I heard was REPEAL obamacare….. and the phukwads couldn’t even pull that off.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. In MO we pay 160 a month, for the family, straight to Bones. He’s (they) are smart cats.

    Remember the telephone lease? You paid 12 dollars a month for a telephone that never broke and any trouble in your residence was FREE to repair.

    After 40 years of that you could but thousands of telephones… but hey, you is COVERED!


    🔹 Yes, if you take your national health card, you can go to ANY of the literally 1000s of ear nose throat specialists, with no waiting, and get checked out. It’s about $5, three days medicine, about another $5.

    🔹 No long lines at the clinic / hospital. No paperwork, no huge fees and trying to calculate deducatables and arguing the bill with your insurance company and hospital etc.

    🔸 IT’S COST-CONTROLLED.🔸 Doctors don’t make rock-star salaries, and nurses and floor sweepers don’t make 6-figure salaries. Some day the U.S. will figure out health care is not a Capitalist free market system of winners and losers, it’s life and death and should be regulated for access to all.

  5. This all sounds good but people have forgotten one thing…

    My rheumatologist was all for direct pay and not doing the insurance companies paperwork but I’d never be able to afford the drugs and pharmacies probably wouldn’t sell them to me anyway.

    As an example, years ago when Vioxx was still available, he prescribed 60 pills a month but insurance would only allow 40 per month. My cost was around $20 but the additional 20 pills would have cost $140. Considering how well it reduced the arthritis pain I would have paid it but the pharmacy wouldn’t sell them to me directly, it had to go through insurance. Bottom line was each pill cost $7 and that’s cheap – one of my wife’s medications costs something like $300 a dose OUR cost.

    Aside from oZerocare, getting the drug industry under control is crucial to reducing costs, and considering how much their lobbies pay off the politicians, that just ain’t gonna happen.

  6. Neither this nor the Hollywood boycott would have happened under governor Stacey Abrams. It takes a guy who’s unapologetically enthusiastic about using a shotgun in a campaign ad to accomplish this. Well done, Governor Kemp. I’m bullish on 2020 here in Georgia.


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