Death of man who fell off ladder ‘ruled as natural, caused by COVID-19′ – IOTW Report

Death of man who fell off ladder ‘ruled as natural, caused by COVID-19′

Just The News: A man who fell off a ladder has been deemed to have died of COVID-19, according to a report.

Doctors attributed a Croatian man’s death to the coronavirus, according to the Journal of Forensic Pathology.

“The 51-year-old man died in what appeared to be a workplace incident, falling off a 10-foot ladder while working on a home this year,” Breitbart News reported. “The man suffered minor external injuries, as well as a subarachnoid hemorrhage, described as ‘bleeding within the subarachnoid space, which is the area between the brain and the tissues that cover the brain’ – an often fatal condition. However, the autopsy also discovered ‘visceral congestion,’ particularly in his lungs.” more

11 Comments on Death of man who fell off ladder ‘ruled as natural, caused by COVID-19′

  1. I’m so fed up with the mask nazis. I’m thinkting the ones wearing masks in cars is to keep them from licking the windows.

    This guy says i’m right…..renowned pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson pointed out that his role as CEO of a biotech company that manufactures COVID tests means, “I might know a little bit about all this.”

    “There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians, it’s outrageous, this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public,” said Hodkinson.

  2. CDC numbers have been clarified recently. 6% of “Covid Deaths” are actually caused by Covid-19. 94% have Covid listed as not a cause, but present.

    But not one media outlet gives this any attention. The CDC is actually doing their job. The actual numbers are being purposely ignored.

  3. Parachute fails – Dies of Covid.
    Has anybody died of natural causes this year?
    The bottom line, Hospitals are raking in mass amounts of cash.
    All part of Obamacare no doubt.
    Pretty sure I don’t want any vaccine with mRNA in it.

  4. Our friend’s 74-year-old dad crashed his ATV. Broken from the neck down, survived 3 days. Cause of death on certificate? COVID The family is furious but not sure what, if anything, they can or are going to do. Total BS.

  5. Need to question the surge in numbers recently, because they either want to ruin Thanksgiving and Christmas, or until they can officially steal the election away from President Trump.

    Why would we want to mandate masks 😷 and go through house arrest again if the first one didn’t work? 🤔

  6. As far back as I can remember, the government has ALWAYS kept the population scared.
    Scared of atomic warfare, scared of disease, scared of eating too much bacon, red meat, etc.

    A giant FUCK YOU is long past due for the elected assholes that perpetuate their unending stream of lies, deceit, dishonesty, fiction and misrepresentation that tends to hold sway over the American people.

    Fuck everyone of them.


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