Death Toll in Turkey/Syria Earthquake Climbs Above 20,000 – With an Estimated 6,500 Buildings Collapsed – IOTW Report

Death Toll in Turkey/Syria Earthquake Climbs Above 20,000 – With an Estimated 6,500 Buildings Collapsed

CTH: Hopes are fading amid the rescue and recovery workers in the aftermath of the horrific earthquake that hit southern Turkey and northern Syria.  Reuters is providing an update on the devastation in the region.  The scale of the impact is widespread and devastating as even more recovery workers continue arriving.

ANTAKYA, Turkey/JANDARIS, Syria, Feb 9, (Reuters) – Cold, hunger and despair gripped hundreds of thousands of people left homeless after the earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria three days ago as the death toll passed 20,000 on Thursday.

The rescue of a 2-year-old boy after 79 hours trapped in the rubble of a collapsed building in Hatay, Turkey, and several other people raised spirits among weary search crews. But hopes were fading that many more would be found alive in the ruins of towns and cities.

[…] Hundreds of thousands of people in both countries have been left homeless in the middle of winter. Many have camped out in makeshift shelters in supermarket car parks, mosques, roadsides or amid the ruins, often desperate for food, water and heat.

[…] Authorities say some 6,500 buildings in Turkey collapsed and countless more were damaged.

17 Comments on Death Toll in Turkey/Syria Earthquake Climbs Above 20,000 – With an Estimated 6,500 Buildings Collapsed

  1. Interesting that the building that took the brunt of destruction along with their mosques, was the Catholic Church. No doubt in my mind that God’s hand was working in this destruction. This isn’t the worse earthquake to happen in that region, 32,700 in 1939, and over 260,000 in the BC area in 2 earthquakes each. Now they’ve got the brunt of winter to ad to their misery. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

  2. “ Interesting that the building that took the brunt of destruction along with their mosques, was the Catholic Church. No doubt in my mind that God’s hand was working in this destruction.”

    Really? You’re going to go there? Simple fact is that large buildings like churches and mosques are far more vulnerable in earthquakes than small ones (especially in countries without building codes) Besides, there are numerous cases throughout history of Catholic Churches being the only buildings left standing after a natural disaster.

  3. Why aren’t the other Muslim countries in the region (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates) helping with relief? Why is it always left to western Christian countries to help with aid?

  4. They need to go back to living in stick huts. Housing them in concrete card house death traps right on top of the intersection of two crustal plates is lunacy. But of course the gubmint will recycle the concrete and rebar and build the same mondo rat traps.

  5. Send Obola over to Turkey to “comfort” Erdogan …

    Barky could do that tongue thing to calm him down.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Heavenly Father thank you for how you continue to show us your Grace and your Mercy throughout this world. You allow us even today to be alive, to be used when we know at any moment of time any one of us could be gone from this earth with no notice. We lift up the people in Turkey to you, these many families in Syria affected by these earthquakes, tsunamis and more that are pouring out and taking people’s lives so quickly. We lift up those that are devastated. We pray that many rescuers/helpers will come in with the Gospel and the Truth and pray for them and bring a sense of love to those that are hurting and those that have lost loved ones. We hurt for them and we know that you also feel and absorb their sadness. We just ask for continued stories to come from this that you may receive the honor, praise and glory for the great news when rescues happen. Also, for the peace that can be brought beyond the understanding to those that are hurting. It is in Jesus name I pray

  7. DaveVA

    I saw some pictures of what looked to be about a 12 year old girl and an 8 year old boy being dug out of the rubble. She was doing her best to protect her little brother from falling debris. Both parents reportedly dead. Heart breaking.

  8. DaveVA, Brad,

    I 100% agree with your thoughts. 100%.

    What I find extremely Disgusting is the the Piece of SHIT Erdogan was trying to Blackmail Sweden into passing a Law the Bans the Burning of that Document which MUST NOT be Burned, before HE allows Sweden to Join NATO.

    What right does Erdogan have to dictate to ANY other Country when HIS TYPE do not even care enough to try & provide safe housing for his own people as the USA gives him the very weapons the he need to stay in Power?

    I can’t stand the Shitstain.

  9. I despise the Turkish government, but I’m fond of modern Turkish people, who are big animal lovers:
    ht tps://

  10. I have a friend from Syria whose family is still there. Her family made it okay, his apartment building is still intact and livable. Apartment building next to his, family of 8 were killed. She said the building flatten like a pancake. She also said “that earthquake was from God!” I agreed with her. Lots of pain this world.


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